From May 12 to 14, 2023
TEAL-13: The Workshop
on Theoretical East Asian Linguistics 13
at National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan
Welcome to the website of TEAL-13: The Workshop on Theoretical East Asian Linguistics 13.
Important Updates
Important Updates
The link for Prof. Chomsky's keynote speech recording is now available! Please see the Program Day 1 page.
We are working on posting links to the video recordings of the various talks given during TEAL-13. Please bear with us and stay tuned for updates!
TEAL-13 was a great success! We sincerely thank all participants for their warm attendance and insightful sharings. We hope to see you again at the next TEAL!

The Venue
The Venue
International Conference Room, Union Building, NTNU
International Conference Room, Union Building, NTNU
The Workshop on Theoretical East Asian Linguistics 13 (TEAL-13) will be held at National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), Taipei, Taiwan.
The Workshop on Theoretical East Asian Linguistics 13 (TEAL-13) will be held at National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), Taipei, Taiwan.
Important Dates
Important Dates
Deadline for Abstract Submission: December 15, 2022 January 6, 2023 (Taiwan Time)
Notification of Acceptance: February 15, 2023 Around mid-February, 2023
Dates of Conference: May 12-14, 2023