Call for papers


TEAL-13 (The Workshop on Theoretical East Asian Linguistics 13) will take place on May 12-14, 2023, hosted by the Department of English at National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU). The conference will be held in an in-person mode, subject to change depending on the pandemic situation. We invite submissions for a 20-minute talk (followed by 10 minutes of discussion) or a poster, addressing theoretical problems in languages spoken in the area of East Asia, such as Chinese, Korean, Japanese, or the minority languages spoken in China and/or Taiwan, and in the area of Southeast Asia, such as Vietnamese. We welcome comparative work in syntax, semantics, phonology, morphology, language acquisition, or psycho/neurolinguistics that contributes to the understanding of Universal Grammar. 

This year we are particularly interested in theoretically-oriented work bearing on the theme of Silence in East Asian Languages. Silence refers to anything that is not morphologically realized, including ellipsis and empty categories resulting from movement or base-generated (such as null subjects/objects/topics, pro/Pro, covert modals, implicit light verbs/applicatives). An amazing accomplishment of theoretical linguistic research is the discovery that different types of silence can/must be distinguished and that East Asian languages differ as a group from English and European languages in a clustering of properties, and from each other with respect to (some of) these properties. But what are the real differences among these languages, if there are? And if true differences exist, what clues/correlations do we have in order to understand the differences and how can they be described? We encourage studies focusing on this theme, though we also cordially welcome original submissions on any other theoretical issues.


Submission Link



For questions, please contact the Organizing Committee at