New Trier uses ParentSquare for school communication with families, primarily through email, text and app notifications. ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent, using their preferred email address and phone number on file. We encourage parents to access their ParentSquare accounts so they can download the mobile app and update their preferences on when and how they are notified.

Here’s what you can do with ParentSquare:

The resources on this page will help guide families on using ParentSquare efficiently and effectively. To dive in deeper, the ParentSquare website offers quality, on-demand training materials for everyone...look for the ? in the upper- right, next to your profile icon. 

ParentSquare FAQ's

What sort of information will New Trier send through ParentSquare? 

New Trier regularly sends families information they need to know about adjusted schedule days, parent events, Post-High School counseling newsletters and events, athletic registration, transportation, and much more. Teachers, advisers, club sponsors, and coaches also may need to reach out to families from time to time about field trips, contests, or updates. ParentSquare is now the preferred way to communicate with parents/guardians in these cases. Emergency communications will also come via email, text, and phone calls through ParentSquare.  Individual teachers may still use other methods such as Outlook email or phone calls to communicate with parents/guardians about individual students. 

Why should I register my ParentSquare account? 

Registered users can access the ParentSquare desktop dashboard and/or the ParentSquare mobile app to see all messages from New Trier in one place. Registering an account means you can: 

We often hear that it’s hard to keep track of all the emails our different departments send to families. If you are registered for ParentSquare, you will never miss a New Trier message again - they are all right there on your dashboard and able to be searched! 

How do I register an account? 

Once New Trier sends its first message through ParentSquare, you will receive an email inviting you to register your account. You will need to confirm the associated student(s), email address, and phone number we have on file for you. If any of that information is incorrect, please contact to correct the information in PowerSchool, since it cannot be updated directly in ParentSquare. 

This ParentSquare Getting Started Guide has more information about registering your account. 

What happens if I don’t register an account? 

If you do not register your account, you will still receive individual emails from New Trier as you have in the past to your email address on file. You will not be able to search emails or opt for a daily digest. 

How do I change my notification and language settings? 

Once you are registered and log in to ParentSquare, you can access a number of help articles with step-by-step instructions for setting up your account preferences, including choosing “instant” (get messages at the time they are sent) or “digest” (get all messages in a digest at 6 p.m.), your preferred language for messages, and whether you want to receive information via email, text, or mobile app notifications: Help Articles for Parents and Guardians. This Welcome Slide Deck also shows how to set your notification preferences from the mobile app.  

Some of the articles reference direct messaging staff members. Why can’t I do this? 

Direct messaging is an optional feature in ParentSquare. As the District gets used to using this new tool, we want to make sure messages from parents about individual students get to teachers and staff in a timely manner, so we will continue to ask you to use their email address or phone number to communicate individual concerns. You can find email addresses and phone numbers in our Staff Directory

What if I am a parent of a student in another school that also uses ParentSquare?

If you have a child attending Sears School or another school that uses ParentSquare, your New Trier student should appear in your web browser or app if you have used the same email for both schools. You then can simply switch between the districts to see information associated with your students. 

Switching Between Districts and Schools

Using a Web Browser

Using the ParentSquare Mobile App

What do I do if I have problems with the app or desktop portal? 

Most questions can be answered using the help function - found by clicking on the question mark in the top right corner of the desktop version or the Help tab on the app (tap the triple bar icon at the top left).  If you still cannot find the answer, please contact