Blog #3 Design Thinking

Design thinking is a process that innovators use to understand users, challenge assumptions, redefine problems, and create solutions to prototype. The five steps in the design thinking process are empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test. The design thinking process is very important to all sorts of people trying to innovate the world with all different kinds of products. For my innovations project I have taken to the weight room to try and inspire others. The basis of my project is to try and increase motivation for people who want to gain muscle mass, while giving them valuable information on training that could possibly change their life. In order to reach as many viewers as I can I wanted to try and reach out through social media with creating a YouTube channel. By using my awareness of the design thinking process I am able to think through my plan, and test prototypes that may work, or may not. If I try my YouTube channel and it does not go as expected, I can change up and try something new that may reach more viewers.