Blog #2- Project Ideas

There are a few ideas I have in mind when I think about innovating, that involve baseball, weight training, and music. Baseball is a really big part of my life that takes up a good portion of my free time. Although baseball may be boring to many, to me it comes with so many intriguing ideas. For example, I would like to study how hitters manage to make contact with a tiny white ball thats being thrown very fast. This would be a technical development where I would analyze hitters and there hand-eye ability. Another activity I am passionate about is weight training. I know not everyone goes to the gym, but for me personally I would love to learn more about it. Muscles and muscle growth interests me a lot, I could see myself studying the effects of weight training and how it helps your body grow. This would hit all three categories because it may impact others, would definitely help me, and would get very technical in the information I find. The third thing I really love is music. Music is very comforting, and I am always listening to it. I would love to learn more about wireless earbuds, instruments, how to make music, etc. This topic has many interesting factors to it. The study of music would mostly lie under the technical, and impact categories. Overall Im excited to find the idea that interests me the most.