Committee Membership

Nashoba Regional High School Building Committee Members

The Nashoba High School Building Committee members were voted by the NRSD School Committee to provide representation of specific categories as required by the MSBA.  Click below for current membership.

NRSD Staff and Administration

Kirk Downing, Superintendent of Schools and Chief Executive Officer 

Laura Friend, Assistant Superintendent of Schools and Director of Teaching and Learning (Non-voting member)

Ross Mulkerin, Business Manager, MCPPO Certified  (Non-voting member)

Rob Frieswick, Director of Facilities  (Non-voting member)

Tania Rich, Director of Athletics and Lancaster Resident

Dr. Kathleen Boynton, NRHS Principal  (Non-voting member)

Kim Earley, NRHS Humanities Lead and Lancaster Resident

Maura Bailey, NRHS English Language Arts Teacher and Lancaster Resident

Joe McCarthy, NRHS Band Director/Music Teacher  (Non-voting member)

Town Government Representatives

Don Lowe, Town Administrator, Bolton

NRSD School Committee Members

Amy Cohen, Bolton Representative and Vice Chairperson

Joseph Gleason, Lancaster Representative and Chairperson

Leah Vivirito, Stow Representative and Vice Chairperson

Community Members

Robert Czekanski, Bolton Resident

Stacey Dupuis, Bolton Resident

Rich Eckel, Stow Resident

Ken Frommer, Lancaster Resident

Kristen Kendall, Stow Resident 

Joanna Miller, Stow Resident

Dan Nicholson, Stow Resident

Dave Yesue, Bolton Resident

Subcommittees and Working Groups 

Bond Advisory Committee

This group was formed in July 2023 by the Superintendent to work with member towns to research the best borrowing strategies to finance the project.  

CM Selection Committee

This group was formed in June 2023 and chaired by Mr. Czekanski.  This subcommittee is charged with vetting qualified applicants and reviewing proposals to recommend a Construction Manager to the full School Building Committee.  

OPM and Design Team Selection Committee

This group was tasked with narrowing the field of applicants and bringing forth to the full School Building Committee qualified candidates for the design team.  

School Building Committee Working Group

The working group is a subset of the SBC that helps to facilitate the MSBA process. The working group meets 2 plus times a month, all final decisions are discussed and approved in the monthly SBC Meetings.  The SBC voted on who would serve in the working group which includes 3 industry professionals from the SBC: an architect, a construction manager, and facilities manager.   Additionally, there are other members of the SBC who serve: the Educational Leadership from the Nashoba Regional School District who support this effort such as the Superintendent, Principal, and Director of Finance and Business Operations among others. The purpose of the working group is to keep the process as described in the Feasibility Study Agreement and Modules 3 and 4, moving forward to fulfill on the requirements of the grant program. 

Community Engagement and Outreach Subcommittee

This committee was formed to assist the Project Team with efforts to inform community members about the School Building Project.  The CEO Subcommittee works with the NRSD Communication Director, Bridget Hannigan, to review content for social media, emails, Board Briefs, and is responsible for maintaining the project website.  

Amy Cohen, Subcommittee Chairperson, and  Bolton Representative

Maura Bailey, Lancaster Representative 

Kim Earley, Lancaster Representative

Stacey Dupuis, Bolton Representative

Leah Vivirito, Stow Representative and Vice Chairperson