Developing independence and responsibility

Developing Responsibility and Independence

Developing responsibility and independence in students

Routines need to be the same every day to develop independence and responsibility in students. The development of a routine allows students to know what is expected of them and eliminates the guesswork. It also gives them a sense of assurance that they know what to do because they have done it successfully before.

Homework routine

· Consistent drop off location of school bag (near entrance/exit door, hung on hook, out of the way place)

· Students should do their homework at the same time everyday (after snack and some playtime or immediately when they get home, which ever works best for your child).

· Homework location-complete with needed supplies (pencils, pens, colored pencils, sharpener, paper). Homework should be done here every day away from television, younger siblings (if possible) and other distractions.

· Parent checks in with homework. Don’t hover. Get them started, walk away and then check back with them after a while.

· Student returns homework to school bag.

· Student returns school bag to drop off location.

Night time routine

· Dinner, bath, books, bed is one good, easy routine to follow

· Student should choose their clothes the night before and lay them out.

· Make sure lunch plan is known to student (buying or packing) for next morning. If packing lunch, it should be left in the same place ever morning for student to put in school bag.

· Student should make sure everything needed is in school bag (homework, signed papers, lunch money etc.)

Morning routine

· Wake up time should be the same every day

· Routine of getting up, getting dressed, eating breakfast and brushing teeth should also be the same every day.

· Pick up school bag at drop off location, put lunch (or money) in school bag and you’re off to school.

· If your student forgets to bring something to school, allow him or her to suffer the logical consequences of not having it in school. Do not bring it to school unless it is medically necessary. Lunches will be provided for all children and a note will be sent home stating money is owed to the cafeteria if they had none in their account. Other forgotten items can be brought in the following day.

These consequences will reinforce that it’s their responsibility and result in the likelihood that items are not left at home again.

Students will need some initial guidance in the successful completion of these tasks. But once they have the hang of it, step back and watch the sense of accomplishment they feel and enjoyment of their new found independence!!

Submitted by

Tracy M. Schaefer

North Wales Counselor