Google Classroom

Please click on any of the links to learn more about the tools and processes that will be used with the online learning platform, Google Classroom.Setting up Outlook Email on your iPad

Setting up Gmail on your iPad

Guardian's Guide to Google Classroom

A Family Guide to Google Classroom- Information on how to login to Google and set-up Classroom

Zoom Conferencing- Norwin teachers may use this format to reach out to students during planned instruction times. A video to help students and parents understand how Zoom works is below.

Genius Scan- This is a free app you can download on your phone or tablet to scan documents to load into your Google Classroom. If your teacher is requiring a PDF of a worksheet, drawing, etc., this resource will be an asset. When you export, choose "Files" and then upload to Google. You can also choose the "email" option. Do not choose the Google Drive option.

Accessing To-do List - Provides student with a list of assignments that are pending. Please make sure you are still entering your teacher's Google Classroom to read any notes that are posted on the Stream, or access additional materials.

An introduction to Zoom for students and parents