Face-to-Face learning

Overview of Face-to-Face learninG

  • The face-to-face learning experiences will continue to be the high-quality educational experiences Northmont has always provided.

  • All PreK-12 courses will continue to be offered as before. If this changes for any reason, families will be notified.

  • The courses listed in the High School Program of Studies for the 2020-2021 school year will continue to be offered.

  • Teachers will be using a Blended Learning approach. Many of the teachers have already been doing this, but there will be more training and more of an emphasis for this type of learning. Blended Learning allows students to have opportunities to learn in a face-to-face setting and use online tools to enhance their learning experiences.

face-to-face students and fridays during 2nd quarter

This will be a remote learning day for students who have chosen to attend face-to-face. Students will attend school virtually. They will login to Seesaw or Canvas and complete the assignments for that day. They will also need to complete the attendance check-in form in order to be counted as present that day.

increased safety protocols

Face Coverings:

  • All staff are required to wear a face covering

  • In classrooms, all students in grades PreK-12 will be required to a wear a face covering

  • During transition time out in the building, students will be required to wear a face covering

  • During recess, students do not have to wear a face covering outside but should maintain social distancing

  • All students will have to wear a face covering if riding on a bus

Disinfecting and Sanitizing:

  • Education on the importance of hand-washing and increased time for this to occur

  • More hand sanitizing stations available throughout the buildings

  • Frequent sanitation and disinfecting will take place

Social Distancing:

  • When possible, 3-6 ft social distance will be maintained

  • As much as possible, teachers will move to different rooms and students will stay with the same group of students throughout the day


  • Visitors on campus will be limited