Face to face Frequently asked questions

Q: are face coverings required?

A: Face coverings are an important part of employee and student protection, in addition to personal hygiene, social distancing, and frequent cleaning efforts.

  • All staff are required to wear a face covering

  • In classrooms, all students in grades PreK-12 will be required to a wear a face covering

  • During transition time out in the building, students will be required to wear a face covering

  • During recess, students do not have to wear a face covering outside but should maintain social distancing

  • All students will have to wear a face covering if riding on a bus

In the event a child has a medical condition that would prevent wearing a face mask, parents/guardians are asked to provide the following to the building nurse:

  1. Written documentation from the treating physician explaining the medical condition and reason(s) that a mask cannot be worn for a specified period of time during the school day.

  2. A signed medical release allowing the district nurse to contact the physician to discuss the face mask limitations.

Efforts will be made to not make face coverings a discipline situation. The school will need families to help in this partnership as we work to control the spread of virus in our school buildings. Remote learning is an option for any student/family who prefers not to wear a face covering.

Q: Is the district providing face coverings for students?

A: Families should begin supplying their children with face coverings. The district will have some available but not until school starts. Families are encouraged to have their children wear them before they come back to the buildings to acclimate them to wearing face coverings prior to the first day of face-to-face school.

Q: Will before and after school child care be available?

A: The YMCA will be putting out information about this. As this information becomes available, Northmont will share the link and information with families.

Q: my child receives support services for an iep, 504, english learner, and/or gifted. What will that look like if they are learning remotely?

A: This will be the same process as the first quarter:

  • IEP- The IEP Team will convene to discuss remote learning services and amend the IPE as necessary.

  • 504 plan- Accommodations will be reviewed and adjusted where necessary for remote learning needs.

  • English Learners- EL services and accommodations will be reviewed and adjusted where necessary for remote learning needs.

  • Gifted- Students will receive gifted service that matches their area(s) of identification. This service may look different than our face-to-face service, but it will still meet all of the state requirements for gifted service and be provided under the guidance of a gifted intervention specialist.

Q: how is transportation impacted?

  • All students will wear face coverings on buses.

  • Students at bus stops with groups will need to wear face coverings.

  • Upon boarding the bus students will utilize hand sanitizer stations mounted in buses.

  • Students should go to their assigned seat and remain in the seat throughout the entire bus ride, and this will be strictly enforced.

  • All surfaces must be cleaned with a disinfectant solution at the end of each use.

Q: How is Lunch impacted?

A: It is recommended that students wear face coverings during lunch when not eating, but social distancing is the primary strategy to be used during lunch. Each building has developed a plan to reduce the number of students in lunch rooms.

Q: what is recess going to be like?

A: Each building will make every effort to maintain consistency with other safety procedures. Some playground equipment may be limited and restricted if considered “high touch” and difficult to clean or maintain social distancing. Students must sanitize their hands before and after recess. Face coverings will not be required during outdoor recess, but 6 foot distancing is expected.

Q: Who do I contact if I have questions?

A: iPad/Technology issues: ipadinfo@northmontschools.net

Many of your questions and concerns can be addressed by staff at your child's building. Below is a list of contact information for each building. Please Note: Staffing is limited in the buildings during July, so it may take longer than normal to get a response back.

Kleptz Early Learning Center
Principal: Dr. Beth Wyandt
Secretary: Ms. Paula Eifert

Englewood Elementary
Principal: Mr. Joe Johnston
Secretary: Ms. Angie Holloway

Englewood Hills Elementary
Principal: Mrs. Katie Grothaus
Secretary: Ms. Vicki Carter

Northmoor Elementary
Principal: Mr. David Lawrence
Secretary: Ms. Shelly Froebe

Northwood Elementary
Principal: Mrs. Sally Moore
Secretary: Ms. Sandra McDonald

Union Elementary
Principal: Mr. Kevin Grone
Secretary: Ms. Gail Spicer

Northmont Middle School
Principal: Mr. Jarrod Brumbaugh
Secretary: Ms. Gabi Kindred

Northmont High School
Principal: Dr. Jason Inkrott
Secretary: Ms. Beth Harlow