What is "cross country"?

Cross country is "distance" running, which here simply means we do not spend our entire practice on a track. We run on all kinds of surfaces and in all kinds of weather.  Part of the fun of it is that the scenery is always changing.  There are no "events" in cross country. We have two races, a boys race and a girls race.

How far do I have to run?

As far as you can in the time we give you!  Everyone is different. Some runners will be able to run three miles on day one, others will struggle to run 1/2 a mile.  You do what your body is able to do that day. Our meets tend to be between 1.25-2 miles.  By the end of the season, just about everyone is able to run that distance without stopping and it is a great feeling!  We will work with you to build your stamina, there is no expectation that everyone is able to run for the entire duration at the start but we will work to get you there. We always try to remember this bit of advice from Runners World 

When and where is practice?

Practice starts promptly at 2:35. We meet in the PAC/Fitness Room at NAMS and progress up to the field in the corner behind the track.  We will either dismiss from the field or return to Symmes Lobby for pick up by 4:15.  

What about early release days?

On early release days, students at NAMS are dismissed at 1:05.  We will still practice at 2:35.  Students are responsible to arrive at practice on time and prepared to run.  We will meet on the field and not indoors unless it is raining. Information will be communicated via Remind if we meet indoors.  

What if I need to change before practice?

Our locker rooms are no longer available so runners must use the school bathrooms to change before practice.

What should I bring to practice?

Comfortable running shoes, comfortable clothing, and water.  Click here for more information

What if I need to miss practice?

We are extremely flexible. If you miss practice and can make time to run on your own, go for it! If you have a conflict, such as participating in a club or the musical but you still want to come when you can, that is great. Please let me know and I can help you plan some workouts around your commitments.  

Can I come late? 

The nature of cross country is that we will be running on roads, trails, fields, etc. NAMS does not have all of this on its property so it is very difficult for us to have athletes coming after 3:00, especially if we are leaving the property. However, as mentioned above, if you're going to be late, let us know and maybe we can work it out!

How will I know if practice is canceled?

We will first use the Remind App and then attempt to get an e-mail out. Twitter is an option as well.  An announcement will also be made at NAMS if practice is canceled. There is no need to call or visit the office for this information. 

What if I need to leave early?

Let Mr. Sturtevant know at least one day ahead of time if possible so we can make sure someone is there to get you back into NAMS.

Where do we get picked up after practice?

After practice, please use the back parking lot. The runners will exit from Symmes Lobby at the back of NAMS. Please DO NOT park along the driveway which wraps around the building. This causes too much congestion and vehicles cannot move adequately. See this image for a map.

What if I miss a meet?

No big deal, you run in the next one. The State Invitational and Jim Munn Invitational do have an entrance fee per runner so we will be asking for anyone who knows they cannot attend ahead of time. The entrance fee is part of the program registration fee.  

How do we get to meets?

Parents must transport the athletes to each meet.  We encourage car pools to meets.  Click here for the car pool sign up.

Do I need special clothing?

Short answer, no.  Run in what you are comfortable in. Most athletes come in t-shirts and athletic shorts. Some people invest in moisture-wicking material, but that is not necessary.  Watch the weather and wear appropriate clothing for the forecast.  We do try to run in rain. If it is going to rain a lot, bring an extra change of clothes. Shoes should be comfortable but not worn out.