JUNE 2019

Thursday, June 6



Another great school year at Marshall Elementary comes to a close. Thank you MES families for all of your support throughout the year and for your contributions to our school. Your volunteer work, donations, visibility and time are merely a few of the ways you help Marshall continue to be successful. Our students, teachers, and PFA spent countless hours learning, planning and preparing for educational experiences that have made this school year memorable.

As we reflect, it’s important to note the many accomplishments of our MES children. Our students should be commended for their tremendous progress. We are proud of our youngsters for how much they’ve grown academically, socially, and emotionally. They’ve created great memories with their friends, teachers and families.

Let’s be sure to wish our fifth graders the best of luck as they begin their transition to middle school and enter sixth grade. They’re growing up fast! The world has so much to offer them, and we wish them well as they continue to learn and to grow.

As always, no message from us would be complete without thanking you, MES families, for sharing your beautiful children with us. We can think of no job more rewarding than being a part of the Marshall community and having the opportunity to be surrounded by happy, energetic and creative children.

We wish all of you a happy and safe summer break!

Dr. Thornton & Ms. Fields

Moving or Transferring Schools This Summer?

Our teachers and staff have been working on next year’s classroom placements for students. If you know that your child/children will NOT attend Marshall Elementary next school year, we appreciate having that information as soon as you are able to confirm it. Please complete this brief questionnaire to provide us with the details of your pending move.

MES Moving Questionnaire

This form only needs to be completed by families whose children will attend a different school other than MES next school year (because of a move or withdrawal). If your child is transitioning to middle school, this form does not apply to you.


Box Tops


Thanks to you and the help of our wonderful teachers, we earned over $290.00 from the Box Tops program during our Spring classroom contest! The money will be used to help fund some of the awesome programs the PFA provides for our kiddos, like field trips, SeeSaw, classroom parties and Field Day.

The winners of the Spring contest were 1D, Mrs. DeVivo’s homeroom and 4E, Mrs. Harrison’s homeroom. That’s right – we had a tie! They both collected 360 Box Tops and received an extra recess for their effort. Nice job! In 3rd place was 4A, Mrs. McLaughlin’s homeroom with 215 clips.

There are BIG, exciting changes coming to the Box Tops program for the 2019-20 school year. Until then, have a relaxing summer and don’t forget to keep clipping for our 1st contest in the Fall!

Thank you so much for your support of this program!

Wendy Rychel

Bethe Rykaczewski

Remember to check the MES website frequently for Thursday E-Blasts, school activities, and general information.

Click here to visit the Marshall Elementary School website.

Click here to access the Marshall Elementary School Parent Faculty Association (PFA) website.