Professional Learning Opportunities

Visit the Instructional Technology Integration Blackboard Course. If you complete any instructional technology-based professional development, the resources and activities will be located here.

"Discover new ways to bring your lessons to life with Apple products, whether you’re building basic skills or looking to enrich everyday activities with iPad. Join the Apple Professional Learning Specialists for one-hour remote learning opportunities for PA educators."

Learn from edtech innovators for ideas you can take back to your school and classroom! Both live webinars and access to recorded webinars are available.

Visit the resources below to learn more about how to use Promethean's ActivInspire/Classflow for remote learning

Visit the Adobe Creative Educator to take two courses to become level 1 & 2 certified as an Adobe Creative Educator. Level 1 takes between two and three hours to complete, while level 2 takes between five and six hours to complete.

Complete a Digital Citizenship course to familiarize yourself with Common Sense's curriculum. Get recognized for being a leader in Digital Citizenship by becoming a Common Sense Educator.