HyFlex and Remote Teaching

District Expectations

Best Practices for HyFlex Teaching and Learning

Use TigerID to access Blackboard, our Learning Management System.

    • URL for TigerID: https://login.northallegheny.org

    • For HyFlex learning make sure your students can:

        • Find their daily assignment and learning activities

        • Access your Collaborate Session or Course Room

        • Find their online books and resources

        • Identify how they can contact you with questions

Give consistent, clear, and concise communication in a timely and predictable manner.

        • Each day/week, consider sending an email to students and/or parents.

        • For Bb mailings: Use the "Send Email" feature in Blackboard to communicate with parents and students that includes the following: "I will be adding <information/resources> to the <daily agenda> in Blackboard by <date and time>. I will check back with you by <time>."

        • For email: Use BCC to hide the parent email addresses. << See Video Tutorial Here >>

Give explicit instructions to your students.

The more specific, the better. Utilizing different modalities is helpful as well (e.g. video, audio, and/or written directions). However, if you find your directions becoming too cumbersome, your lesson may be too complicated for your students to complete on their own at home.

Google Meet is the preferred option for live synchronous instruction.

In specific instances (sessions for community building, small group instruction not requiring recordings, and instances involving student IEP and 504 plans), Google Meet may be utilized.

Always: Be aware of copyright laws!

Remember that you cannot post textbook codes, usernames and passwords, a portion of a textbook, or any other copyrighted material on publicly accessible websites such as your District webpage. Content providers have automated processes that look for these kinds of violations. When a violation is found all access to the resource is disabled until the issue has been rectified to the vendor’s satisfaction.

Hyflex Teaching Resources

View the HyFlex Instructional Strategies Google Slides presentation to learn more about teaching in a HyFlex environment.

HyFlex Hardware

Learn how to connect your Juno Tower and Logitech Webcam to your laptop.

Learn how to connect your Front Row Pendant Microphone and Logitech Webcam in Blackboard Collaborate Ultra.