
In Term Two, you will notice that your child will bring two, possibly three, Little Readers home each week.  The books will range from easy to more difficult.  Depending on your individual child, the books may be used for independent reading, shared reading, or you may read them aloud to your child.  Most importantly, please guide discussion before, during, and after your child reads or is read to; ask lots of questions, encourage your child to retell the story and to make personal connections. 

Our hope is that the children won't focus so much on levels, but just read a variety of levels for the enjoyment of reading and learning.

Even in Kindergarten, the children can get really caught up in what level/what colour book they are taking. While reading levels are a valuable tool for teachers, and they do help us to make good decisions for instruction, we really do not want them to be used as a label for the children.  Children should always feel that they may choose and enjoy any book, no matter the reading level.

Please note, now that the children will be taking several Little Readers each week, Reading Day activities will vary.  Some weeks, your child will choose one of their books to read to me.  Other weeks, we may just have a discussion about one of their books.  This way, we will work on various reading skills and strategies to help strengthen your child's reading ability.  

Please let me know if you have any questions at all.

Happy Reading!


As part of their reading development, Kindergarten students will engage in many early reading activities such as retelling a story from pictures, book-handling skills, and developing a love of reading. While some students will begin reading independently, it is not an expectation that all students will read by the end of Kindergarten. There are many ways you can help your child become a good reader.  

Please encourage your child to:

-find the front cover of the book

-find the title of the book

-read the book from front to back

-turn the pages in order 

-point to the words

-track the print from left to right  

-find specific words in the book

-tell you the letters in the words

-attempt beginning sounds of words

-look at the pictures for clues

-recognize the period on each page