Raspberry Pi

What is a Raspbery Pi?

An excellent reference when using Raspberry Pi is the official beginner's guide (see below for PDF version).


Some tips on using Python

Automate the Boring Stuff with Python - practical programming for beginners

Try This:

To open Python in Raspberry Pi

Got to Menu->Programming -> and click on Thonny

Please see the document below for examples to try.

Beginning Python Examples to try


Examine the program and attempt to determine what each line represents.

Type the program and run it. An exercise like this will help you to get familiar with the code and error analysis.

Python Program


Light up a LED with Scratch and then Python with Raspbery Pi (Physical Computing)

To open Python in Raspberry Pi

Got to Menu->Programming -> and click on Thonny

Now, for directions: Click on the slides below.

Copy of Physical Computing LEDs Workshop - Scratch v2