Maker Spaces

  • Well-equipped makerspaces can feature flexible, technology enabled equipment for creating and making. Deciding what you want in your maker space can seem like a big task because keeping up with current technology can seem difficult but there is no "shopping list" for any makerspace. Some ideas to keep in mind when looking at creating a space:

  • look around and see what you already have access to in your school. You would be surprised that you may be better prepared than you think
  • don't be afraid to tailor the space to your students own interests and experiences
  • there are no rules that one way of doing something is better than another (i.e. using tape or alligator clips versus soldering)
  • be willing to experiment with new tools and materials
  • do something, get going, and refine as you determine what works for your students
  • find allies, advocates and mentors to share information and ideas

Virutal Tour of a Maker Space in the Western Regional Office (Corner Brook)

Please note: More tours will be added for school makerspaces as we visit them.