Code for Beginners

What is code?

The simplest explanation for code is that it represents a set of instructions that are given to a computer in order to execute a certain task.

Coding can be used to create websites, video games, control websites and just about anything that involves giving instructions to a piece of technology for it to perform a task.

Maker Education and Coding

In terms of Maker Education, coding is one aspect. Students creating and learning by doing could involve coding digital resources as well as any of the other "traditional" ways that we often think about in terms of making. For example, when students in a classroom code a micro bit to become a pedometer. After coding the micro bit to count steps and display the number on the LED screen, students can then use any resources they want to develop a leg band for their coded creation. Having the band look aesthetically pleasing is a big concern and students look to art and other disciplines to improve their coded device.

Block Based Coding

Until students enter into High School Technology courses, block based coding is the main way to teach kids introductory programming.

Instead of traditional, text based programming, block based coding involves dragging “blocks” of instructions. The most popular, by far, block based app is Scratch. As you can see in the pic, below, you drag blocks of instructions on the left into the editor on the right!

Activity in Scratch

To get an idea about block based coding, go to this site and try a tutorial in Scratch