NJTEEA's Mission

NJTEEA's Mission:

The mission of the New Jersey and Technology and Engineering Educators Association is to foster the development of technology literacy through Technology, Engineering, and Design (TED) Education programs in the state of New Jersey. Specifically, New Jersey Technology and Engineering Association will:

  1. Provide curricular and instructional models through a program of professional development for its members.
    1. Hold an annual conference and trade show for networking and professional development for its members.
    2. Hold workshops and seminars throughout the state.
    3. Award professional development hours required of teachers by New Jersey state law.
    4. Recruit new individuals to the profession.
    5. Publish documents intended to guide the profession in the way of curriculum, instruction, self-assessment, and programs.
  2. Recognize exemplary TED teachers and school programs through an awards program.
    1. Conduct reviews of school programs, cite exemplary programs, and make contact information for schools available for others to visit.
    2. Recognize teachers, programs, college students, and administrators for excellence in the field.
    3. Maintain an awards program which provides an award to teachers and supervisors engaged in TED Education for outstanding leadership and innovative practice in the profession.
    4. Award a scholarship to students that are planning to become a TED Education teacher.
    5. Provide grants to schools and teachers in an effort to encourage and share innovative practices.
  3. Advise its members as needed of changes in state law as well as national trends critical to the field of TED Education.
    1. Publish a quarterly hard-copy and electronic newsletter for members.
    2. Monitor changes in law at the state and federal levels and inform its members of changes important to the profession.
    3. Periodically gather data to monitor the profession itself.
  4. Promote technological literacy partnerships with the individuals and organizations within and outside the field of TED Education.
    1. Facilitate an alliance between groups and individuals supportive of the TED Education profession.
    2. Represent the TED Education profession on committees, boards, and councils outside of the immediate profession.
    3. Promote a positive image of TED Education through public relations efforts.