Other Projects


Heavy-Quark Energy Loss

Reading Project
Spring 2023

During my P475: Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collision & Quark-Gluon Plasma course, Aheesh, Abha, and I studied the loss of energy in case of heavy quarks in QGP medium. We presented our study
at the end of the course, and also write a detailed report on the topic.
You can find them both below -

Presentation Report

Tidal Interactions in Astrophysics

Reading Project
Fall 2022

In my P453: Astronomy and Astrophysics course, I studied
Tidal Interactions in Astrophysical systems. I presented my study
at the end of the course and you can find it here.

Random Number Generation using Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR)

Coding Project
Spring 2022

I took a course on Computational Physics. At the course's end, I used the things I learnt to make a pseudo-random number generator. I then used it to find the value of π. You can find a short report about it here.

Angular Momentum in Quantum Mechanics and Clebsch-Gordon Coefficients

Reading Project
Fall 2021

This was a reading project I did during my P303: Quantum Mechanics II course. I, along with my team members, studied angular momentum algebra in quantum mechanics and the Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients. We wrote a report on the topic, which you can find here.