Schlieren Imaging      


Abha Vishwakarma and I built a Schlieren Imaging System and its application in studying various physical phenomena. Schlieren imaging is a technique used to visualize and quantify fluid phenomena that are typically invisible to the naked eye, like the propagation of sound waves, convection due to temperature differences etc. 

The system built for this experiment is an optical setup that creates a high-contrast image of the refractive index gradients in a fluid, which allows for the visualization of convective flow patterns and sound waves. We then focus on applying the Schlieren imaging system to investigate convection, a ubiquitous phenomenon in fluid mechanics. 

The Schlieren imaging system is used to obtain the refractive index and the temperature profile across a liquid column at any point in time. The trajectory of the fluid flow, known as the streamline, is mapped with the help of a small bubble moving through the liquid. Other interesting phenomena, like stable flows around objects and the merger of convection cells, were observed. 

The results of the study demonstrate the effectiveness of the Schlieren imaging system in capturing convective flow patterns and learning their characteristics. The images obtained show the convective fluid flow due to the thermal gradient, which has been calculated and plotted. We also propose to calculate the flow field experimentally using this technique by improving the markers. These velocity measurements shall provide valuable insights into understanding the behaviour of the flow. 

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