KG Exhibition Day

Kindergarten 1

To continue with the NIS Exhibition Days, our KG 1 students proudly presented the projects they made in class.

Using old tissue boxes, bond papers, paper cups, water bottles, and yarn, they created various models of transportation such as trains, cars, and airplanes to demonstrate their understanding of the concept of push and pull.

Apart from showcasing their understanding of how things move and the role of transportation in our daily lives, the exhibition was also an opportunity for students to strengthen their communication skills as they explained their projects to parents and visitors.

Kindergarten 2

 As an American curriculum school, NIS promotes inquiry-based learning through hands-on projects and student-led presentations. The NIS Exhibition Days are a way that we nurture independent thinking amongst our students.

To kick off the NIS Exhibition Days, our KG 2 students presented the project that they made to showcase their learning about the seasons.

Through costumes, self-made props, and weather kits, the students showcased what they had learned in class. They also got to model their communication skills and thinking skills as they answered questions their parents, teachers, and staff had about their projects.