Ramadan Workshop

Ramadan workshop, you are invited to take part of the craftsmanship where both creativity and tradition are combined! Step into an environment of various shades of colors presented in a form of cultural enrichment as you begin to explore the soul of Ramadan. Whether it is the slicing the moon to the detailed crafting, each station done together provides opportunities to find the best way to celebrate this day as one. Take a while with us to see the majesty of Ramadan; let us together in the celebrating bond of community and delight. I hope you will have a joyful day of creative thinking, fun, and party!

In these images there are different stations the first one shows where you can take a picture with a frame then it shows where the kids are colouring mosaics of Ramadan themes.

Some teachers make a lunar moon which teaches the kids how they know Ramadan is here and when it is almost done, then are images of kids creating lanterns and moons for decoration.

Here is kind of the same as the image before which also shows the younger generations how Ramadan is going to happen and end in addition to showing the kids how to make decorations for their homes during Ramadan and Eid.