in press
Takehara, K., Ikehara, M., Uramoto, G., Nishida, N., Omori, T., Amano, A., Suganuma, Y., Itaki, T., Multiproxy approach to characterize the sedimentary process of Cape Darnley Bottom Water flow through the Wild Canyon, East Antarctica, Marine Geology, 470, 107269-107269, 2024.
Suganuma, Y., Mahesh, BS., Katsuki, K., Warrier, A.K., Kaneda, H., Ishiwa, T., Ikehara, M., Mohan, R., High resolution scanning and lithological data of lake sedimentary cores from the Schirmacher Oasis, Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, Polar Data Journal, 8, 1-9, 2024.
石輪健樹, 山縣広和, 菅沼悠介, 柴田大輔, 梶田展人, 巻俊宏, Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) を用いた氷下地形測量法の開発. 地質学雑誌, 129(1), 567-571, 2023
Matsui, H., Ikehara, M., Suganuma, Y., Seki, O., Oyabu, I., Kawamura, K., Dust correlation and oxygen isotope stratigraphy in the Southern Ocean over the last 450 kyrs: An Indian sector perspective. Quaternary Science Reviews, in press.
Mas e Braga, M., Jones, R.S., Bernales, J., Andersen, J.L., Fredin, O., Morlighem, M., Koester, A.J., Lifton, N.A., Harbor, J.M., Suganuma, Y., Glasser, N.F., Rogozhina, I., Stroeven, A.P., A thicker Antarctic ice stream during the mid-Pliocene warm period, Communications Earth & Environment, 4, 321, 2023.
Iizuka, M., Seki, O., Wilson, D., Suganuma, Y., Horikawa, K., van de Flierdt, T., Ikehara, M., Itaki, T., Irino, T., Yamamoto, M., Hirabayashi, M., Matsuzaki, H., Sugisaki, S., Multiple episodes of ice loss from the Wilkes Subglacial Basin during the Last Interglacial, Nature communications, 14, 2129, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-37325-y
Andersen, J.L., Newall, J.C., Fredin, O., Glasser, N.F., Lifton, N.A., Stuart, F.M., Fabel, D., Caffee, M., Pedersen, V.K., Koester, A.J., Suganuma, Y., Harbor, J.M., Stroeven, A.P., A topographic hinge-zone divides coastal and inland ice dynamic regimes in East Antarctica, Communications Earth & Environment, 4, 1, 2023.
Suganuma, Y., Kaneda, H., Mas e Braga, M., Ishiwa, T., Koyama, T., Newall, J.C., Okuno, J., Obase, T., Saito, F., Rogozhina, I., Andersen, J.L., Kawamata, M., Hirabayashi, M., Lifton, N.A., Fredin, O., Harbor, J.M. Stroeven, A.P., Abe-Ouchi, A., Regional sea-level highstand triggered Holocene ice sheet thinning across coastal Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, Communications Earth & Environment, 3, 273, 2022.
Tamura, T, Ishiwa, T., Tokuda, Y., Itaki, T., Sasaki, S., Suganuma, Y., Luminescence characteristics of coastal sediments in Langhovde, East Antarctica. Quaternary Geochronology, 70, 101298, 2022
Sato, T., Nogi, Y., Sato, H., Fujii, M., A new tectonic model between the Madagascar Ridge and Del Cano Rise in the Indian Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127, 2022.
Suganuma, Y., Head, M.J., Sagawa, T. Preface for the article collection “Stratigraphy and paleoclimatic/paleoenvironmental evolution across the Early–Middle Pleistocene transition in the Chiba composite section, Japan, and other reference sections in East Asia”, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 9, 9, 2022.
Itaki, T., Utsuki, S., Haneda, Y., Izumi, K., Kubota, Y., Suganuma, Y., Okada, M. Millennial-scale oscillations in the Kuroshio–Oyashio boundary during MIS-19 based on the radiolarian record from the Chiba composite section, central Japan, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 9-5, 2022.
Patterson et al. (22番目/28中: Suganuma, Y.) 2022. Sensitivity of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet to +2 °C (SWAIS 2C), Scientific Drilling 30 101-112, 2022.
Kanamaru, T., Furukawa, K., Zhao, X., Suganuma, Y., Magnetic petrology of pumice fall deposits of the 1783 eruption of Asama volcano, Japan, Earth, Planets and Space,74:53, 2022.
Sasaki, S., Irizuki, T., Itaki, T., Tokuda, Y., Ishiwa, T., Suganuma, Y., Relationship between modern deep-sea ostracods and water mass structure in East Antarctica, Paleontological Research, 27, 211-230, 2022..
Sasaki, S, Irizuki, T, Seto, K, Suganuma, Y., Ostracoda and paleoenvironment of Holocene raised beach sediment in Skarvsnes, East Antarctica, Paleontological Research , Paleontological Research , 26, 440-454, 2022.
Saito, K., Okuno, J., Machiya, H., Iwahana, G., Ohno, H., Yokohata, T., Climatic assessment of circum-Arctic permafrost zonation over the last 122 kyr, Polar Science, 31, 2022, 100765.
Shi, T., Fukuda, Y., Doi, K., Okuno, J., Extraction of GRACE/GRACE-FO Observed Mass Change Patterns across Antarctica via Independent Component Analysis (ICA), Geophysical Journal International, 229,3, 1914-1926, 2022.
福田洋一, 服部晃久, 奥野淳一, 青山雄一, 土井浩一郎, 国立極地研究所での重力変化について, 測地学会誌, 68, 1-13, 2022.
Tamura, T., Okazaki, H., Naya, N., Nakazato, H., Seike, K., Okuno, J., Luminescence chronology for identifying depositional sequences in an uplifted coast since the Middle Pleistocene, eastern Japan, Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 2022, https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2022.967572
Balota, E.J., Head, M.J., Okada, M., Suganuma, Y., and Haneda, Y. Paleoceanography and dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy across the Lower–Middle Pleistocene Subseries (Calabrian–Chibanian Stage) boundary at the Chiba composite section, Japan, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 8:48, 2021.
Akizawa, N., Y. Ohara, K. Okino, O. Ishizuka, H. Yamashita, S. Machida, A. Sanfilippo, V. Basch, J. Snow, A. Sen, K. Hirauchi K. Michibayashi, Y. Harigane, M. Fujii, H. Asanuma, T. Hirata. Geochemical characteristics of back-arc basin lower crust and upper mantle at final spreading stage of Shikoku Basin: an example of Mado Megamullion, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 8:65, 2021.
Sen, A., Snow, J.E., Ohara, Y., Hirauchi, K., Kouketsu, Y., Sanfilippo, A., Basch, V., Harigane, Y., Fujii, M., Okino, K., Akizawa, N. Melting and evolution of amphibole-rich back-arc abyssal peridotites at the Mado Megamullion, Shikoku Basin, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22, e2021GC010013, 2021.
Mizuta G., Fukamachi, Y., Simizu, D., Matsumura, Y., Kitade, Y., Hirano, D., Fujii, M., Nogi, Y., Ohshima, K.I. Seasonal evolution of Cape Darnley Bottom Water revealed by mooring measurements, Frontiers Marine Science, 8:657119, 2021.
Hirauchi, K., Segawa, I., Kouketsu, Y., Harigane, Y., Ohara, Y., Snow, J., Sen, A., Fujii, M., Okino, K. Alteration processes recorded by back-arc mantle peridotites from oceanic core complexes, Shikoku Basin, Philippine Sea, Island Arc, 30(1), 2021.
Kajita, H., Maeda, A., Utsunomiya, M., Yoshimura, T., Ohkouchi, N., Suzuki, A., Kawahata, H. Biomarkers in the rock outcrop of the Kazusa Group reveal palaeoenvironments of the Kuroshio region. Communications Earth & Environment, 2(82), 2021.
Suganuma, Y., Okada, M., Head, M.J., Kameo, K., Haneda, Y., Hayashi, H., Irizuki, T., Itaki, T., Izumi, K., Kubota, Y., Nakazato, H., Nishida, N., Okuda, M., Satoguchi, Y., Simon, Q., Takeshita, Y. Formal ratification of the Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the Chibanian Stage and Middle Pleistocene Subseries of the Quaternary System: the Chiba Section, Japan, Episodes, 317-347, 2021.
Ishiwa, T., Okuno, J., and Suganuma, Y. Excess ice loads in the Indian Ocean sector of East Antarctica during the last glacial period. Geology. v. 49, p. 1182–1186, 2021.
Hattori, A., Aoyama, Y., Okuno, J., Doi, K. GNSS Observations of GIA‐Induced Crustal Deformation in Lützow‐Holm Bay, East Antarctica. Geophysical Research Letters. 48, 2021.
Fukuda, Y., Okuno, J., Doi, K., Lee, C. -K., Capra, A.. Absolute Gravity Measurements at Jang Bogo Station and Mario Zucchelli Station, Antarctica, in 2019, Polar Data Journal, 5, 125–143, 2021.
Tsutaki, S., Fukui, K., Motoyama, H., Hattori, A., Okuno, J., Fujita, S., Kawamura, K. Surface heights over a traverse route from S16 to Dome Fuji, East Antarctica as measured by kinematic GNSS surveys in 2012–2013 and 2018–2019. Polar Data Journal, 5, 144–156, 2021.
Ichihara, H., Mogi, T., Uchida, T., Satoh, H., Yamaya, Y., Fujii, M., Yamazaki, S., Okazaki, K., Tada, N. Imaging of a serpentinite complex in the Kamuikotan Zone, northern Japan, from magnetotelluric soundings. Earth, Planets and Space, 73(1), 2021.
Mensah, V., Nakayama, Y., Fujii, M., Nogi, Y., Ohshima, K.I. Dense water downslope flow and AABW production in a numerical model: Sensitivity to horizontal and vertical resolution in the region off Cape Darnley polynya. Ocean Modelling, 165, 2021.
Fukuda, Y., Okuno, J., Doi, K., Lee, C.-K. Gravity observations at Jang Bogo Station, Antarctica, and scale factor calibrations of different relative gravimeters. Polar Science, 2021.
Kubota, Y., Haneda, Y., Kameo, K., Itaki, T., Hayashi, H., Shikoku, K., Izumi, K., Head, M.J., Suganuma, Y., Okada, M. Paleoceanography of the northwestern Pacific across the Early–Middle Pleistocene boundary (Marine Isotope Stages 20–18). Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 8(1), 29, 2021.
Ishiwa, T., Yokoyama, Y., Obrochta, S., Uehara, K., Okuno, J., Ikehara, M., Miyairi, Y. Temporal variation in radiocarbon pathways caused by sea-level and tidal changes in the Bonaparte Gulf, northwestern Australia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 266, 2021.
Lee, E.Y., Kominz, M., Reuning, L., Gallagher, S.J., Takayanagi, H., Ishiwa, T., Knierzinger, W., Wagreich, M. Quantitative compaction trends of Miocene to Holocene carbonates off the west coast of Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2021.
Ishiwa, T., Tokuda, Y., Itaki, T., Sasaki, S., Suganuma, Y., Yamasaki, S. Bathymetry data and water column profiles in the shallow waters of Langhovde in Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica. Polar Science, 28, 2021.
Goto-Azuma, K., Homma, T., Saruya, T., Nakazawa, F., Komuro, Y., Nagatsuka, N., Hirabayashi, M., Kondo, Y., Koike, M., Aoki, T., Greve, R., Okuno, J. Studies on the variability of the Greenland Ice Sheet and climate. Polar Science, 27, 2021.
川又基人, 土井浩一郎, 澤柿教伸, 菅沼悠介. 日本南極地域観測隊アーカイブ空中写真を用いた数値表層モデル作成とその有用性. 地理学評論, 94, 1-16, 2021.[in Japanese with English Abstract]
Kusahara, K., Hirano, D., Fujii, M., D. Fraser, A., Tamura, T. Modeling intensive ocean-cryosphere interactions in Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica. Cryosphere, 15(4), 1697-1717, 2021.
Izumi, K., Haneda, Y., Suganuma, Y., Okada, M., Kubota, Y., Nishida, N., Kawamata, M., Matsuzaki, T. Multiproxy sedimentological and geochemical analyses across the Lower–Middle Pleistocene boundary: chemostratigraphy and paleoenvironment of the Chiba composite section, central Japan. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 8(1), 10, 2021.
Kubota, Y., Haneda, Y., Kameo, K., Itaki, T., Hayashi, H., Shikoku, K., Izumi, K., Head, M.J., Suganuma, Y., Okada, M. 2021. Paleoceanography of the northwestern Pacific across the Early–Middle Pleistocene boundary (Marine Isotope Stages 20–18). Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 8(1), 29, 2021.
石輪健樹, 徳田悠希, 板木拓也, 佐々木聡史. 第61次日本南極地域観測隊における宗谷海岸域の地形調査の報告. 南極資料, 64, 330–350, 2020.
菅沼悠介, 石輪健樹, 川又基人, 奥野淳一, 香月興太, 板木拓也, 関宰, 金田平太郎, 松井浩紀, 羽田裕貴, 藤井昌和, 平野大輔. 東南極における海域-陸域シームレス堆積物掘削研究の展望. 地学雑誌 ,129(5), 591–610, 2020.
Kawamata, M., Suganuma, Y., Doi, K., Misawa, K., Hirabayashi, M., Hattori, A., Sawagaki, T. Abrupt Holocene ice-sheet thinning along the southern Soya Coast, Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica, revealed by glacial geomorphology and surface exposure dating. Quaternary Science Reviews, 247, 106540, 2020.
Andersen, J.L., Newall, J.C., Blomdin, R., Sams, S.E., Fabel, D., Koester, A.J., Lifton, N.A., Fredin, O., Caffee, M.W., Glasser, N.F., Rogozhina, I., Suganuma, Y., Harbor, J.M., Stroeven, A.P. Ice surface changes during recent glacial cycles along the Jutulstraumen and Penck Trough ice streams in western Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica. Quaternary Science Reviews, 249, 106636, 2020.
Haneda, Y., Okada, M., Suganuma, Y., Kitamura, T. A full sequence of the Matuyama–Brunhes geomagnetic reversal in the Chiba composite section, Central Japan. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 7(1), 44, 2020.
Kameo, K., Kubota, Y., Haneda, Y., Suganuma, Y., Okada, M. Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Lower–Middle Pleistocene boundary of the GSSP, Chiba composite section in the Kokumoto Formation, Kazusa Group, central Japan, and implications for sea-surface environmental changes. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 7(1), 36, 2020.
Newall, J.C.H., Dymova, T., Serra, E., Blomdin, R., Fredin, O., Glasser, N.F., Suganuma, Y., Harbor, J.M., Stroeven, A.P. The glacial geomorphology of western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. Journal of Maps, 16(2), 468-478, 2020.
川又基人, 菅沼悠介, 土井浩一郎, 澤柿教伸, 服部晃久. 2020. 氷河地形調査と表面露出年代測定に基づく東南極宗谷海岸南部 Skarvsnes における氷床後退過程の復元. 地学雑誌, 129, 315-336, 2020.[in Japanese with English Abstract]
Haneda, Y., Okada, M., Kubota, Y., Suganuma, Y. Millennial-scale hydrographic changes in the northwestern Pacific during marine isotope stage 19: Teleconnections with ice melt in the North Atlantic. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 531, 115936, 2020.
Hirano, D., Tamura, T., Kusahara, K., Ohshima, K.I., Nicholls, K.W., Ushio, S., Simizu, D., Ono, K., Fujii, M., Nogi, Y., Aoki, S. 2020. Strong ice-ocean interaction beneath Shirase Glacier Tongue in East Antarctica. Nature Communications, 11(1), 4221, 2020.
秋澤紀克, 沖野郷子, 石塚治, 山下浩之, 藤井昌和, 小原泰彦. (共著)新地球Volume 1 マントル特集号,9.マドメガムリオンに分布する岩石の岩石学的・地球物理学的解釈. 出版社:マントル出版,発行所:オリンピア印刷株式会社, ISBN:978-4-908703-84-3, 2020年6月10日出版.
Basch, V., Sanfilippo, A., Sani, C., Ohara, Y., Snow, J., Ishizuka, O., Harigane, Y., Michibayashi, K., Sen, A., Akizawa, N., Okino, K., Fujii, M., Yamashita, H. Crustal Accretion in a Slow Spreading Back-Arc Basin: Insights From the Mado Megamullion Oceanic Core Complex in the Shikoku Basin. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 21(11), 2020.
Hallenberger, M., Reuning, L., Gallagher, S.J., Back, S., Ishiwa, T., Christensen, B.A., Bogus, K. Increased fluvial runoff terminated inorganic aragonite precipitation on the Northwest Shelf of Australia during the early Holocene. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 18356, 2019
Ishiwa, T., Yokoyama, Y., Okuno, J., Obrochta, S., Uehara, K., Ikehara, M., Miyairi, Y. A sea-level plateau preceding the Marine Isotope Stage 2 minima revealed by Australian sediments. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 6449, 2019.
Irie, Y., Nakada, M., Okuno, J., Bao, H. Nonmonotonic Postdeglacial Relative Sea Level Changes at the Aftermath of Marinoan (635 Ma) Snowball Earth Meltdown. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124(8), 9373-9394, 2019.
Yokoyama, Y., Purcell, A., Ishiwa, T. Gauging quaternary sea level changes through scientific ocean drilling.. Oceanography, 32(1), 64-71. 10.5670/oceanog.2019.121
Ishiwa, T., Yokoyama, Y., Reuning, L., McHugh, C.M., De Vleeschouwer, D., Gallagher, S.J. 2019. Australian Summer Monsoon variability in the past 14,000 years revealed by IODP Expedition 356 sediments. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 6(1), 17, 2019.
Xu, H., Miyahara, H., Horiuchi, K., Matsuzaki, H., Sun, H., Luo, W., Zheng, X., Suganuma, Y., Wang, S., Zhou, L. High-resolution records of 10Be in endogenic travertine from Baishuitai, China: A new proxy record of annual solar activity?. Quaternary Science Reviews, 216, 34-46, 2019.
Simon, Q., Suganuma, Y., Okada, M., Haneda, Y. High-resolution 10Be and paleomagnetic recording of the last polarity reversal in the Chiba composite section: Age and dynamics of the Matuyama–Brunhes transition. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 519, 92-100, 2019.
香月興太, 瀬戸浩二, 菅沼悠介, Dong Yoon Yang. 湖底堆積物調査における携帯型採泥器具の種類と特徴について. 地学雑誌, 128, 359-376, 2019.
菅沼悠介, 香月興太, 金田平太郎, 川又基人, 田邊優貴子, 柴田大輔. 可搬型パーカッションピストンコアラーの開発. 地質学雑誌, 125, 323-326, 2019.
千葉セクションGSSP提案書 提案チーム(責任著者 菅沼悠介). 千葉セクション:下部—中部更新統境界の国際境界模式層断面とポイントへの提案書(要約),地質学雑誌, 125, 5-22, 2019.
Yokoyama, Y., Hirabayashi, S., Goto, K., Okuno, J., Sproson, A.D., Haraguchi, T., Ratnayake, N., Miyairi, Y. Holocene Indian Ocean sea level, Antarctic melting history and past Tsunami deposits inferred using sea level reconstructions from the Sri Lankan, Southeastern Indian and Maldivian coasts. Quaternary Science Reviews, 206, 150-161, 2019.
Zhao, X., Fujii, M., Suganuma, Y., Zhao, X., Jiang, Z. Applying the Burr Type XII Distribution to Decompose Remanent Magnetization Curves. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123(10), 8298-8311, 2018.
Kanamaru, T., Suganuma, Y., Oiwane, H., Miura, H., Miura, M., Okuno, J., Hayakawa, H. The weathering of granitic rocks in a hyper-arid and hypothermal environment: A case study from the Sør-Rondane Mountains, East Antarctica. Geomorphology, 317, 62-74, 2018.
Suganuma, Y., Haneda, Y., Kameo, K., Kubota, Y., Hayashi, H., Itaki, T., Okuda, M., Head, M.J., Sugaya, M., Nakazato, H., Igarashi, A., Shikoku, K., Hongo, M., Watanabe, M., Satoguchi, Y., Takeshita, Y., Nishida, N., Izumi, K., Kawamura, K., Kawamata, M., Okuno, J., Yoshida, T., Ogitsu, I., Yabusaki, H., Okada, M. Paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic records through Marine Isotope Stage 19 at the Chiba composite section, central Japan: A key reference for the Early–Middle Pleistocene Subseries boundary. Quaternary Science Reviews, 191, 406-430, 2018.
Okutsu, N., Ashi, J., Yamaguchi, A., Irino, T., Ikehara, K., Kanamatsu, T., Suganuma, Y., Murayama, M. Evidence for surface sediment remobilization by earthquakes in the nankai forearc region from sedimentary records. 8th International Symposium on Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, ISSMMTC 2018, 37-46, 2018.
Nakada, M., Okuno, J., Irie, Y. Inference of viscosity jump at 670 km depth and lower mantle viscosity structure from GIA observations. Geophysical Journal International, 212(3), 2206-2225, 2018.
Yokoyama, Y., Esat, T.M., Thompson, W.G., Thomas, A.L., Webster, J.M., Miyairi, Y., Sawada, C., Aze, T., Matsuzaki, H., Okuno, J., Fallon, S., Braga, J.-C., Humblet, M., Iryu, Y., Potts, D.C., Fujita, K., Suzuki, A., Kan, H. Rapid glaciation and a two-step sea level plunge into the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature, 559(7715), 603-607, 2018.
Fujii, M., Sato, H., Togawa, E., Shimada, K., Ishibashi, J.-I. Seafloor hydrothermal alteration affecting magnetic properties of abyssal basaltic rocks: insights from back-arc lavas of the Okinawa Trough. Earth, Planets and Space, 70(1), 196, 2018.
Fujii, M., Okino, K. Near-seafloor magnetic mapping of off-axis lava flows near the Kairei and Yokoniwa hydrothermal vent fields in the Central Indian Ridge. Earth, Planets and Space, 70(1), 188, 2018.
藤井昌和, 野木義史. 音波探査で海底を見る:海底地形に記録された地球環境変動, 低温科学, 76, 269–284, 2018. [in Japanese with English Abstract]
佐藤暢, 野木義史, 藤井昌和, 佐藤太一. 南大洋の形成, 低温科学, 76, 243–258, 2018.[in Japanese with English Abstract]
Okada, M., Suganuma, Y., Haneda, Y., Kazaoka, O. Paleomagnetic direction and paleointensity variations during the Matuyama-Brunhes polarity transition from a marine succession in the Chiba composite section of the Boso Peninsula, central Japan 1. Geomagnetism. Earth, Planets and Space, 69(1), 45, 2017.
菅沼悠介, 川又基人, 白水薫, 小山拓志, 土井浩一郎, 金田平太郎, 青山雄一, 早河秀章, 小花和宏之. 南極における無人航空機(UAV)を用いた高解像度地形情報取得の試み. 地学雑誌,126, 1-24, 2017.
Nakada, M., Okuno, J. Secular variations in zonal harmonics of Earth’s geopotential and their implications for mantle viscosity and Antarctic melting history due to the last deglaciation. Geophysical Journal International, 209(3), 1660-1676, 2017.
Hanyu, T., Nogi, Y., Fujii, M. Crustal formation and evolution processes in the Natal Valley and Mozambique Ridge, off South Africa. Polar Science, 13, 66-81, 2017.
Nakada, M., Okuno, J. 2016. Inference of mantle viscosity for depth resolutions of GIA observations. Geophysical Journal International, 207(2), 719-740. 10.1093/gji/ggw301
Nakada, M., Okuno, J., Yokoyama, Y. 2016. Total meltwater volume since the Last Glacial Maximum and viscosity structure of Earth's mantle inferred from relative sea level changes at Barbados and Bonaparte Gulf and GIA-induced J2. Geophysical Journal International, 204(2), 1237-1253. 10.1093/gji/ggv520
Yokoyama, Y., Maeda, Y., Okuno, J., Miyairi, Y., Kosuge, T. 2016. Holocene Antarctic melting and lithospheric uplift history of the southern Okinawa trough inferred from mid- to late-Holocene sea level in Iriomote Island, Ryukyu, Japan. Quaternary International, 397, 342-348. 10.1016/j.quaint.2015.03.030
Suganuma, Y. 2016. REFINING CHRONOLOGY FOR THE BRUNHES-MATUYAMA GEOMAGNATIC BOUNDARY. Geographical reports of Tokyo Metropolitan University, 51, 61-70.
Oda, H., Miyagi, I., Kawai, J., Suganuma, Y., Funaki, M., Imae, N., Mikouchi, T., Matsuzaki, T., Yamamoto, Y. 2016. Volcanic ash in bare ice south of Sør Rondane Mountains, Antarctica: Geochemistry, rock magnetism and nondestructive magnetic detection with SQUID gradiometer Recent advances in environmental magnetism and paleomagnetism 5. Volcanology. Earth, Planets and Space, 68(1), 39. 10.1186/s40623-016-0415-3
Nishida, N., Kazaoka, O., Izumi, K., Suganuma, Y., Okada, M., Yoshida, T., Ogitsu, I., Nakazato, H., Kameyama, S., Kagawa, A., Morisaki, M., Nirei, H. 2016. Sedimentary processes and depositional environments of a continuous marine succession across the Lower-Middle Pleistocene boundary: Kokumoto Formation, Kazusa Group, central Japan. Quaternary International, 397, 3-15. 10.1016/j.quaint.2015.06.045
Nakada, M., Okuno, J., Lambeck, K., Purcell, A. 2015. Viscosity structure of Earth’s mantle inferred from rotational variations due to GIA process and recent melting events. Geophysical Journal International, 202(2), 976-992. 10.1093/gji/ggv198
Suganuma, Y., Okada, M., Horie, K., Kaiden, H., Takehara, M., Senda, R., Kimura, J.-I., Kawamura, K., Haneda, Y., Kazaoka, O., Head, M.J. 2015. Age of Matuyama-Brunhes boundary constrained by U-Pb zircon dating of a widespread tephra. Geology, 43(6), 491-494. 10.1130/G36625.1
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