What is the IWF?

The structure of the IWF is the based on:

  • Three domains: Clinical Research, Clinical Context and Leadership

  • Four levels: Awareness, Core, Intermediate and Advanced

  • This underlying research purpose and landscape statement...

Anyone with a research role will be committed to improving healthcare through design and conduct of excellent clinical research that ensures safety, promotes quality and is undertaken with respect and compassion.’

The IWF assumes that all research roles are made up of these three domains and the white core represents the Research Purpose and Landscape commitment for all roles.

IWF image representing a role with coloured domains

The IWF locates itself within established contexts. Factors outside of the IWF need to be considered as it is applied. The diagram illustrates that the IWF is surrounded by:

  1. The variables of the Research Context - white box

  2. A scope of practice where applicable or in development - blue circle.

  3. Organisational/Employer policies and procedures - black box


The Clinical Research Domain is defined in the IWF using 7 elements. These Elements align with the International Joint Task Force Harmonized Core Competency Framework for the Clinical Research Professional (2014).

The Clinical Context Domain is represented by 4 elements recognising that all Clinical Research involves working with people. It refers to the relevant Patient Care Pathway and may include direct delivery of care.

The Leadership Domain is represented by a single Element and points users to the NHS Leadership Model and Framework, which provide a consistent approach to leadership development for staff in health and care irrespective of discipline, role or function, and represents the foundation of leadership behaviour that all staff should aspire to.


There are 4 indicative IWF Levels relating to responsibility and skill, which apply to each of the Elements within the IWF when associated with a role. The Levels can also be applied to distinct Components within an Element if required, starting at Awareness and increasing through Core and Intermediate to Advanced Level. There are statements available for the expectation associated with each of these Levels, these are available in full on the page: Level Statements


Each of the 12 Elements introduced above is described as a group of Components, which define the relevant associated activity for the Element in detail. They are organised into two areas: application of knowledge, policy or legislation and involvement with activity. The detail included in Components is intentionally overarching to provide direction for an indicative description of a research role.

Integrated Workforce Framework, An Introduction v1.0 is a comprehensive account of the IWF. The Introduction provides background information and further detail in relation to the IWF. You can access this document in the resource section. It is the key source for the content on this site.