IWF Levels

There are 4 indicative IWF Levels relating to responsibility and skill, which apply to each of the Elements within the IWF when associated with a role. The Levels can also be applied to distinct Components within an Element if required, starting at Awareness and increasing through Core and Intermediate to Advanced Level. There are statements available for the expectation associated with each of these Levels, as below:

Advanced - Able to apply knowledge and skill in highly complex and unpredictable research areas and contexts. Able to support all other IWF Levels. Provides leadership and takes overall responsibility, making complex or highly complex judgements. Conceives, designs develops and adapts solutions through critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis.

Intermediate - Able to transfer/adapt knowledge and skill to different areas/topics that may be unpredictable. Able to support the Core and Awareness IWF Levels. Prioritises own work/activities, demonstrates experience of working in a complex environment and shows creativity in developing solutions by determining the options.

Core - Have working knowledge and skill within your working area. i.e. not assumed to be transferrable; can be learnt even if technically tricky where the context is predictable. Able to support IWF Awareness Level. Work under guidance and within defined parameters and make judgements between a predefined range of options.

Awareness - Awareness of the clinical research context and who/where to go to if xyz happens. Demonstrate understanding of how your work fits within this context.
