Building a visual role profile

The Integrated Workforce Framework can be used to build a visual profile chart to describe a role. 

The method represents a clinical research role as a circle made up of segments filled by the domains of the IWF. 

Using the IWF to build a profile to describe a role is a process that works well as part of a conversation or an individual reflection.  

The resource page houses the materials that you will need.  If you are using these resources for the first time, use the Version 2 pack.

2. The Quick Start guide provides an overview of the IWF and the step by step process to build a visual role profile using the resource. 

3. A printable IWF template has been produced for users to build role profiles. 

The role template includes:

You will also need Orange, Green and Blue marker pens and a ruler

The examples below have been configured using Resource Pack Version 1, where there were a total of 9 Elements spanning the 3 Domains.  In the Version 2 pack, the IWF contains 12 Elements overall, which relates to expansion of the number of Elements within the Clinical Context Domain.  These identify key aspects of interfaces between delivery of research and the clinical environment, which have been helpul in describing a range of different roles in delivery of health and care research.

Research Practitioner Band 4

Research Nurse Band 6