CRP Bulletin - August 2022


Relating practice to the Standards of Proficiency

Reference guide table for applicants and confirmers

To provide further support to confirmers and applicants in the confirmation process our NIHR CRN Workforce Development colleagues have developed a table, which refers to the standards required of CRP registrants. Based on the format of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) standards provided by the AHCS, these criteria may be useful as a guide to making an evaluation of evidence being put forward. If the potential CRP registrant has not met all the criteria they will not be eligible for registration. The purpose of the ‘registration standard partially met’ column is to help provide guidance in what evidence is needed, assessing the evidence provided and to support feedback on what is required if the standard has not been met. This reference table guide is available to download as a PDF.

We welcome questions from confirmers about any aspect of their role or the process please contact

PSA toolkit for registrants

We are pleased to share with you the new ‘Registrant Toolkit’ from the Professional Standards Authority. We encourage you to promote that you are registered not only with the Academy, but that you are on a PSA Accredited Register. The toolkit will provide you with the knowledge and materials to do this correctly and effectively. The toolkit is not to be shared. You have access to the toolkit as an AHCS registrant and can access via the ‘Registrants Area’ of the AHCS website. The password to the area was sent to you when your application to join the register was successful. Please email if you require assistance.

Hand stamping a document with approved

Reflections on the registration application process

Jo Greenway, Research Administrator, Pulvertaft Hand Centre, Royal Derby Hospital

I decided the most appropriate place to start this process was by reading through the Competency Framework document, and it helps if you can find a quiet place to do this! At my managers suggestion, I also began to assemble an evidence folder, whereby a copy of my GCP certificate became the first item.

Working on the Competency Framework enabled me to reflect on the work I had been involved in, whilst the evidence folder acted as a reminder as to what I had participated in, either individually or as part of a wider team. Reflecting is so valuable in this sense, because it is so easy to get swept along on a day-to-day basis without realising what you are contributing to!

After completing the Competency Framework, I felt I needed guidance as to where to go next. After a very useful phone conversation with one of the CRP Engagement Leads, I was able to start working on completing the ‘Big 5’, including the Reflective Accounts and Practice Development documents. What I found most enlightening, was the process of obtaining feedback from colleagues, as I felt this helped me to develop relationships that had been formed previously.

I submitted my application at this stage, although I didn’t know whether I was over analysing what was required or missing something obvious. I found the Leadership document a little challenging, but after looking at a sample submission, I realised that this wasn’t just about leadership/management, but about leading by example, which of course is vital in a clinical setting. After making some alterations to my submission, I am pleased to say that it was approved.

Since then, I have continued to add items to my evidence folder and where there are gaps in my level 3 or 4 competencies, I have included these in my wish list for future learning. Although the application process has taken time and effort to prepare, it has undoubtedly been worthwhile. Most of all, enjoy reflecting on how much you learn and take pleasure from thinking about how many people will benefit from the research you are contributing towards.

Registration top tips from Clinical Research Practitioners

Registrants on the Clinical Research Practitioner Register have provided more top tips on a successful application:

  1. Dedicate time to discuss some questions with fellow CRPs or colleagues you work closely with. Sometimes others you work with will have great examples of your competencies and achievements which you might not have even thought of yourself (HH)

  2. Pay close attention to your last few appraisals and briefly skim over the past year’s calendar whilst you’re making your application. It’s a great way of reminding you of your accomplishments and situations you’ve been involved in that may not immediately spring to mind i.e. challenges you’ve faced or ways you’ve demonstrated leadership (RB)

We also shared two top tips from registrants back in January’s newsletter.


Q: What is the difference between the CRP Directory and the CRP Accredited Register

A: The two are distinct but related and serve different purposes in relation to the professional affairs of CRPs. The CRP Directory was introduced in 2018, prior to the opening of the CRP Accredited Register in 2021. It continues to serve as a community building platform that is open to all CRPs at whatever stage in their career. The CRP Directory community therefore includes a mix of registered and unregistered individuals and is currently focused on leadership development from within the community and accessing support pre-registration. The CRP Accredited Register is part of the Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS) Accredited Registers Programme, accredited and overseen by the Professional Standards Authority. CRPs wishing to join the CRP register are required to demonstrate that their practice meets the defined standards of proficiency associated with the register, and must do this through a more detailed application process, providing a portfolio of evidence that has been confirmed locally before submission to the AHCS.

Example tweet
Example tweet
Chart of new directory applications
Chart of new register applications

Impact of our recent social media campaign

Maya Leach, Engagement Manager: CRP Registration, NIHR CRNCC

Thank you all for your involvement in July’s campaign. We are thrilled with the engagement and support of the campaign with Trusts, organisations and professionals across the country posting statements of support on social media. Many new stakeholders stepped forward to visibly support the professional development of their CRP staff. We demonstrated that CRP registration is valued by the system and the development of CRPs is on the current agenda across the country.

The use of #CRPractitioner increased by 1217% during the campaign with a largely positive sentiment!

Our independent @CRPractitioner Twitter account had 15,900 profile visits in July, compared to just under 4000 in June and we gained many new followers.

The campaign resulted in increased queries about the application process to the AHCS. CRPs felt valued and encouraged to gain their professional status. 39 CRPs started their application to the Register in July, compared to 26 in June and 21 in May. We also observed an increased number of new Directory applications - 71 in July, compared to 44 in June and 57 in May. Our drop-in session for applicants was particularly busy in July with 21 attendees compared to 12 in June or 11 in May.

The July edition of NIHR Insights was dedicated to the topic of the development of professional identity, largely focused on the development of Clinical Research Practitioners. Senior leaders discussed the importance of the professional development of this workforce by sharing their views in a podcast and articles. On the 17th of August, the resource already had 317 views!

Let’s keep the momentum going! By supporting the spread of CRP accredited registration we will grow the professional community and professional identity of this workforce and ensure that CRPs have a strong presence in the research system now and in the future.

Survey - how long is the application process?

Thank you to all who already responded to the survey about your experience with the CRP Register application process.

We would like to give all other Registered CRPs another opportunity to share their experience and suggestions with us. If you haven't already done so, please kindly complete the survey you will shortly receive. Your views are greatly appreciated as they will guide us in improving support for future applicants.

CRP Drop in sessions

Need some help completing your Clinical Research Practitioner register application? Come along to our next drop in session

Monday 26th September between 10:00 – 11:00

Friday 28th October between 12:00 – 13:00

Tuesday 22nd November between 15:00 – 16:00

Thursday 22nd December between 09:00 – 10:00

Please come along with your questions or any reflections you may have! If you have any questions in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us -

We also have resources available on our website that may help you with completing your application:

CRPs in the North East and North Cumbria!

Your local CRP Engagement Leads Sarah Essex and Sarah McAuliffe are inviting you to attend a free CRP event on Tuesday 18th October from 2 - 4 pm. It is a great opportunity to connect with CRPs from your local area, discuss topics important to you and get an update on current developments in the CRP profession.

Please contact Sarah Essex ( or Sarah McAuliffe ( to find out more about the event and to book your place.


Connecting with CRPs and how to link in with your local CRP Engagement lead

Just a reminder of some ways you can connect -

And if you would like to connect with your local CRP Engagement Lead, please contact and we will pass your details on to them.

Sign up to our vox newsletter

Are you signed up to the AHCS Vox Newsletter?

The VOX newsletter from the Academy for Healthcare Science includes news from across the healthcare science profession.

The Academy would love to share more insights into the world of a Clinical Research Practitioner. What does registration mean to you? Have you followed the journey of the CRP Directory and Register development? How does the CRP role work with other HCS roles?

If you would like to contribute to a future edition, please send your article to for consideration.

Read past editions

Subscribe to VOX!

Let's keep growing our community

Remember to encourage all CRPs interested in seeking registration to join the CRP Directory. There is no fee to join, or to rejoin, the CRP Directory. For more information, and to apply, please visit the Directory website

Contact details

Individuals who want to know more about the the Directory or Register please contact

AHCS Team -

NIHR Team -