Clinical Research Practitioners' Community

Welcome to the NIHR Clinical Research Practitioner site

This site contains information to support you whether you are thinking about joining the CRP Directory, want to apply to join the AHCS Accredited Register for CRPs, are supporting development of CRPs to join the Directory or Register, or just want to know more about Clinical Research Practitioners generally.

Who are Clinical Research Practitioners?

Clinical Research Practitioners (CRPs) form part of a Community of Practice dedicated to delivery of health and care research alongside statutory registered healthcare professionals.  Since launch of the CRP Directory in 2018, the term CRP has served as an umbrella title for a family of roles in research delivery that have a patient-facing element.  A range of job titles are held, for example Clinical Studies Officer, Research Practitioner, Clinical Trials Practitioner, Clinical Trials Officer. Those holding a CRP role are often degree graduates, though not always, and may have come into the research delivery workforce in a support role, working initially at assistant level prior to working in a practitioner level role.  

In April 2021, the Academy for Healthcare Science Accredited Register for CRPs opened to those currently unregistered to a healthcare profession to attain professional regsitartion through demonstrating that eligibility criteria are met and that their practice meets the Standards of Proficiency for CRPs.    While CRPs are not required to be part of a statutory professional register in order to perform their role, their AHCS voluntary accredited registration is aligned with requirements of the UK Professional Standards Authority (PSA), which includes a commitment to patient safety within the identified standards of practice. 

The number of CRPs continues to increase in response to the expansion of research activity as delivery of health and care research reaches across the NHS and also expands into other settings.  CRPs are a vital part of the research workforce, and valuing their expertise and professional development is recognised by the Deapartment of Health and Social Care as a strategic priority for growth.  The NIHR remains commited to supporting ongoing development for CRPs as they emerge as a new profession in the system.

Information & Guidance Documents

Whether you are looking to find out more about CRP's, start your application to join the register or support someone with their portfolio there is a wealth of information, advice and guidance available on this site. To make this site easy to use we have split the resources on this site into two categories, accessible below via the buttons below.

If you are supporting an applicant to join the AHCS Accredited Register for CRPs, then select "For Managers" to access guidance tailored specifically to help you.  Otherwise, please choose the "For Applicants" button.

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Honarary Fellows Ceremony and Chair's Awards Event

20th May 2024, The House of Lords

Academy for Healthcare Science - Chair's Award for Excellence

I am extremely proud to receive this Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS) Chair's Award for Excellence, and to share it with all who have contributed to enabling Clinical Research Practitioners (CRPs) to develop as they emerge as a profession in the healthcare science family.  

Registered CRP practice affirms a commitment to patient safety that is regulated by the AHCS and overseen by the UK Professional Standards Authority, and I am delighted to see that uptake is increasingly valued and growing.  CRPs are essential to the future of clinical research delivery in the UK, and with support from managers, they are now able to demonstrate evidence that their research delivery practice meets the AHCS Accredited Register Standards of Proficiency for CRPs to attain valued and recognised professional registration status.

Janice Paterson, RDN Workforce Development Lead and CRP Programme Lead, NIHR Research Delivery Network (RDN) Coordinating Centre

CRP Drop-In Sessions

Just a reminder that the CRP drop in sessions are still running, with dates in the calendar through until the end of the year.  Whether you're applying to join the AHCS Accredited Register for CRPs or supporting someone who is, then come along to one of the sessions.  No need to book, just turn up and stay as long as you want. 

The next meetings will take place on:

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