Frequently Asked Questions


If you have a frequently asked CRP-related question that you would like answered, please let us know using this form.


o   Are CRPs able to collect IMPs (and other medications), and provide them to patients for self-administration?

o   Are CRPs able to be involved in administration of medications?

o   Will there be standard guidance issued surrounding this in addition to the statement in the scope of practice? 

For reference, the Academy for Healthcare Science Accredited Register Clinical Research Practitioner (CRP)  Scope of Practice states that :

Clinical Research Practitioners with adequate training and clinical supervision in place may be expected to collect an IMP from pharmacy, ensure its safe storage and/or supply the IMP to the study participant. Referral to supporting clinical services sits outside the Clinical Research Practitioner's Scope of Practice.’ 

Hence, administering an IMP is outside the Clinical Research Practitioner's Scope of Practice. To avoid doubt, the supply of the IMP does not extend to administering the IMP to the study participant.   

This guidance is there to protect all CRPs and maintain participant safety. 

The following discussion points may be helpful in conversations with your employer.

In the new NIHR Vaccine Learning Framework, which is about to be released (July 2024) you will see that under the Public Health England module - Vaccine Administration Training for the CRP role, we have put ‘For Information only ‘, so this is clear. Please note: We know that in COVID-19, people outside of healthcare professionals were trained to administer vaccines, but please remember that these were not CTIMPS and that it was a national emergency. 


o   Is there a distinction between what registered CRPs and non-registered CRPs should be allowed to do?

o   What is the value in registering as a CRP when I'm already working in the role?  What difference will it make?


o   Can CRPs be involved in CTIMP consenting?

Access to joining the CRP Register without a degree

o   What's happening with the Experienced Practitioner GatewayI've heard that this will be closing soon, is this right?

CRP APPRENCTICESHIP - joining the CRP Register in the future through a defined education route

o   Who will this be for, and which HEIs are running the programme?

Employing a CRP vs a Research Nurse

o   As a manager, why would I employ a CRP, when I could have a nurse?

CRP Directory and the wider Community of Practice

o   How does the CRP Directory differ from the Register, and why do we need a Directory?

Maintaining registration with AHCS

o   What is the revalidation process for CRPs?