CRP Events

CRP Summit 2024

A Clinical Research Practitioners (CRPs) Leaders Strategic Summit was held in Birmingham over 26th and 27th March, 2024. The event programme, designed with and presented by CRP Leaders, was hosted jointly by NIHR and the Academy for Healthcare Science with support from UKRD and R&D Forum senior colleagues. The event brought together senior CRPs to develop their own vision for leadership to support their growing community of practice, and to examine (i) the position of CRPs as an emerging profession in the system, (ii) their part in the healthcare science family of professions, and (iii) first steps towards formation of a professional body for CRPs. The event was supported by Chief Scientific Officer for NHS England as Head of Healthcare Science Professions, Professor Dame Sue Hill, who attended as distinguished guest speaker. 

Thank you to LCRN Chief Operating Officers for your support of CRPs from your region to bring their leadership contribution forward through engaging with the programme of this event, the outcomes from which will be instrumental in serving the DHSC commitment to establish a Sustainable and Supported Research Workforce as part of the Future of UK Clinical Research Delivery vision. 

Conference attendees in the meeting room
Emma Lowe
Panel seated for Q and A
Kathryn Slevin

Clinical Research Practitioners Conference March 2023

On 7th March 2023 150 CRPs and colleagues came together at the De Vere Grand Connaught Rooms in London to hear from a range of speakers.  Themes of the day included 

Following on from our recent conference special bulletin you can now take a look at the recordings from the day

The importance of CRPs at the centre of UK clinical research delivery  

Strategic development of CRPs

CRP development journeys: registration and beyond

CRP development journeys: registration and beyond

CRPs playing their part in embedding a research culture

Approach to developing CRP roles in Scotland

Approach to developing CRP roles in Wales.

Plus the competency framework Jayne refers to

CRP engagement and leadership: two key enablers

Support for CRPs as part of the AHCS family of professions

CRP Education and Training Pathways 

Celebrating CRPs Event 2022

On the 14th March over 300 CRPs and their colleagues and managers came together to celebrate CRPs and mark one year of the accredited register.  We heard from a range of speakers from the Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS), National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) and DHSC.  Importantly we heard from CRPs themselves – talking about their achievements, their experience of making their application to the register and challenges they face. 

The recordings from the day and the speaker slide sets are all available to view.

There were also lots of questions on the day, some of which our panels answered.  In addition we now have an FAQs document that responds to some of these questions.