Primary Care Research Informatics & Digital Environment Solutions (PRIDES)

This website is for researchers and primary care health professionals looking for digital solutions to help them deliver research in primary care settings. You will find details of the CRN PRIDES service and how our service can to lead to improved research outcomes. You will find helpful information about Health Informatics (HIs), links to our local PRIDES Sharing Platforms and a searchable database of NIHR Portfolio Studies using HIs. You will also find useful information about research coding and data sharing, as well as workforce development opportunities, resources and guidance to help enhance research delivery in Primary Care settings. 

What are Digital Solutions?

Primary care in the NHS has the enviable advantage of comprehensive longitudinal records for millions of patients. Within this resource is a wealth of digital data which can be retrieved to allow accurate retrospective identification of patient populations. In addition most primary care clinical software has the ability to identify patients who might be eligible for a research study  in real time as they present in a consultation. Digital Solutions allow us to access this data for research purposes.

The PRIDES Service offers researchers and GP practices support and advice on how best to use digital solutions to deliver studies in primary care settings. We work closely with key stakeholders to support the development of research solutions and tools for use in GP Practices.

PRIDES is delivered by the NIHR Clinical Research Network (CRN) and one of our main aims is to help study teams to develop health informatics for patient identification and recruitment. We also offer access to a range of resources to help you deliver your study to time and target.  

What do you need help with?

Working with Sponsors and Study Teams

We offer a range of services to study teams to help them successfully deliver their studies in Primary Care settings to time and target. Support can be accessed via our LCRNS at study conception stage all the way through to delivery.

Click the button below to find out we work with Study Teams.

Understanding Research in Primary Care

The average person sees the GP at least 6 times per year and are often the first point of contact for patients.  This creates great opportunities for GPs and patients to take part in research.

Click the button below to find out more about opportunities for delivering research in Primary Care settings.

Working with GP Practice Sites

We work closely with our partner GP sites and can provide support and guidance for delivering research. GP sites can download Health Informatics and user guides for studies they are supporting from their local CRN PRIDES Platforms.

Click the button below to find out we work with GP Practice sites.
