Support, Training & Resources

In this area you will find useful guidance documents and other resources to support you delivering research in Primary Care settings. You will also find links to relevant NIHR and stakeholder training and development opportunities for primary care researchers and health and care professionals.

NIHR Funding, Support and Resources

Detailed information on NIHR Funding Programs, career development opportunities for Primary Care Health Professionals and support offered by the Clinical Research Network (CRN) can be found on the NIHR Website. You will also find details about the national NIHR Primary Care Specialty and the CRN Primary Care Strategy. In addition, you will find below a number of NIHR offers relevant to Primary Care.

What do you need help with?

NIHR Digital, Data and Technology

The NIHR is on a mission to personalise and modernise research, through innovation and collaboration, to transform the way research is delivered and managed. The NIHR Digital, Data and Technology (DDaT) Office has refreshed the NIHR Digital Strategy which includes a digital vision and roadmap for the next few years. Visit the NIHR Digital, Data & Technology Website for more information.

Partner Organisation Support and Guidance

HEE Digital Champions Toolkit

This toolkit will shine a light on the different models of Digital Champions Programmes that are already out there and help you to embed the elements of good practice that will work for your own programme, depending on what attributes you’d like to develop and what the programme is trying to achieve.

The King's Fund: Digital Healthcare

Digital technologies bring many opportunities to improve people’s health and experiences of services, but realising their potential will require investment and thoughtful implementation. Find out more about the King's Fund Position on Digital Healthcare.

NHS Providers

The Building a Digital Strategy was developed jointly by NHS Providers and Public Digital as part of the Digital Boards programme.

It aims to build board understanding of the potential and implications of the digital agenda and increase the confidence and capability of boards to harness the opportunities it provides.