Cluster F

Please use the following links for accessible versions of the information presented in the drawings below:

Meet the Team

NSG and SOG Meeting Dates

In the table below, you can find out the upcoming meetings taking place within Cluster F.  For any further information, please reach out to the team. 

Please note: In Surgery, we have two different types of meetings that we hold over the course of the year. The first are our National Specialty Group meetings. They are held three times a year, two of these are virtual, with one in person. The second are the subspecialty meetings. They have not been listed in the table below, but they take place every Wednesday. They focus on a different subspecialty each week, for example Vascular Surgery, Upper GI Surgery etc.  

Cluster F Specialty Group Meetings 2021

Specialty Projects and Initiatives

The Associate PI Scheme

Cluster F lead on the NIHR CRN Associate PI Scheme. Details of this scheme can be found on the NIHR website.

The Associate Principal Investigator Scheme aims to develop doctors, nurses and other health professionals to become the Principal Investigators (PIs) of the future. Full details can be found on the Associate PI Website linked here 

What is the Associate Principal Investigator Scheme?

How the Associate PI Scheme works

The scheme is open to any healthcare professional willing to make a significant contribution to the conduct and delivery of a study at a local level over a period of at least six months:

How to get Involved

The EORTC Team

Who are the EORTC?

The European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) is one of the largest independent not-for-profit cancer research organisations in Europe.

For more information about the EORTC please see their website:

What is the EORTC Liaison Office?

The EORTC Liaison Office leads a partnership between NIHR, Cancer Research UK (CRUK) and EORTC to foster international non-commercial cancer research. 

There are also Liaison Offices in France, Germany and Poland.

Why is this partnership important?

EORTC research is often in challenging and innovative areas, such as rare tumours, cancer in older people, translational research, radiotherapy, and cross-cutting multiple disease areas or disciplines. Working together internationally is often the only way to find an answer to these important research questions. These studies are among the most diverse and complex studies delivered by the NIHR.

Our partnership is vital for academic research in areas not viable for industry, such as de-escalation studies looking at reducing potentially unnecessary therapies for the benefit of patients. Importantly, studies consistently include assessment of the impact on patients' quality of life.

What does the Liaison Office do?

- We act as a central contact point for the benefit of UK investigators, NHS sites and the EORTC. 

- We facilitate rapid opening of new EORTC studies in the UK, working closely with Chief Investigators and managing the regulatory aspects of each study. We continue to support each study through its entire lifecycle.

- We provide guidance and support to UK investigators and site teams participating in EORTC studies.

- We work in collaboration with the NIHR Clinical Research Network and with around 40 NHS Trusts across the UK. Our involvement is especially important following the UK's exit from the EU.

- We facilitate study collaboration between national research groups and EORTC research groups when required.

For more information about the EORTC Liaison Offices:

If you have any queries, please contact us:

Specialty Champions

Surgical Subspecialty Leads 

In addition to our Local Surgery Leads, we have appointed surgical subspecialty leads (for example colorectal surgery, neurosurgery etc.) and are now holding weekly Surgical Subspecialty Meetings. These meetings are an opportunity for leads to discuss each subspecialty's research portfolio and activity within the LCRNs. 

Cancer Subspecialty Champions

Our Cancer Specialty group have developed Subspecialty Champion roles to help drive portfolio development nationally and within each LCRN.

The Cluster holds Subspecialty meetings chaired by the relevant Champion to drive portfolio research in that particular subspecialty. 

Oral & Dental Primary Care Dental Champions

Our Oral & Dental Specialty Group have put together a group of Primary Care Dental Champions, a group of dentists who work in the Primary Care setting and are interested or already take part in Research. 

The aim of this group is to get more Primary Care practices involved in Oral & Dental Health Research.

Celebrating Success

Tomorrow's Leaders 


Tumour Response Assessments 

Virtual Workshop

The programme consisted of 2 webinars and 1 face-to-face workshop all designed to support early career researchers to develop and deliver surgical cancer studies. It was supported by trainee research collaboratives across all specialities involved in the multi-disciplinary care of cancer patients.

In May 2022, the Cluster helped The Royal Marsden Trust to hold a virtual webinar to discuss innovative methods of identifying and  treating tumours. The webinar had a great turnout and received lots of great feedback.

Upcoming Events

Industry Event 2022

Early Phase Education Event

This meeting brings together stakeholders from across the UK Cancer Research Community (including HRA, MHRA, Genomics England, ABPI, ECMC etc.)to meet with industry representatives. We will discuss the current situation, best practice case studies and new national initiatives (such as Screening, Prevention and Early Detection and Patient Recruitment Centres). There will be a panel discussion and breakout sessions will be run to discuss ways forward. 

Beginning in 2018, the Cluster has helped organise and facilitate the annual Early Phase Education Event. We're proud to announce we will be holding another in January 2023. 

To take part, please register here: