Stratified Medicine

Stratified Medicine

Cluster D has been leading a cross-CRN project, in partnership with the UK Pharmacogenetics and Stratified Medicine Network (UKPSMN), to develop the CRN’s capacity to deliver stratified medicine studies. 

A number of key outputs are already in place which will improve the delivery of stratified medicine studies in the CRN portfolio.  For example, we have introduced a systematic process of identifying such studies as they land within the portfolio, meaning that we can monitor growth and performance of this area of research.  It also means that we can trigger mechanisms to better support delivery of these studies from the outset.  These include access to a CRN community of experts in the field from across the specialties and within LCRNs to advise on how these studies might be supported.  In addition, an LCRN working group has developed guidance, which sits within the Study Support Service, on how to tackle delivery challenges associated with the complex methodologies involved in stratified medicine studies.

Another key output has been the development of a CRN Intranet page which gathers together relevant resources including video clips, webinars and links to further information which is available to members of CRN to inform their knowledge of stratified medicine research.  Included within this site are a series of bite size learning materials which are useful for staff to dip into when they become involved in delivering a stratified medicine study.  In addition, we have established a process for developing impact case studies arising from stratified medicine research which CRN can use to help promote the services we are able to provide within this field.


Alongside the outputs described above, several other initiatives are on the horizon.  For example, colleagues within the Workforce Learning and Organisational Development Directorate are exploring the potential for an online learning module focused on stratified medicine utilising the materials developed within the project.

Stratified Medicine champions 

A total of 31 champions have been identified across the specialty teams to date, with a few pending.