Third 9 weeks

8th Grade 

This curriculum map is a constantly monitored and edited document by building specific administration and teachers. Changes may occur throughout the school year to stay updated with state requirements. Any questions regarding content should be directed towards the teacher of your child’s class or content area.


Week 1
As a class, we will review the course syllabus, as well as the student handbook. The students will participate in Lines and Blobs activity.  


ECC-5.2 Demonstrate personal skills (for example, attendance, punctuality, responsibility, integrity, getting along with others) that are needed to succeed in school, life and career. 

I Can Statements:

"I Can demonstrate personal skills such as attendance, punctuality, and responsibility in this class and in this school."

Week 2-6


We will begin typing instruction. Students will take a typing assessment to determine their level of skill. They will make SMART goals to work toward for the remainder of the grading period. Students will have time each day to work towards their typing goal. 


ECC--‐5.2 Demonstrate personal skills (for example, attendance, punctuality, responsibility, integrity, getting along with others) that are needed to succeed in school, life and career.

ECC- 1.3 Explore personal priorities and goals for life and career.

I Can Statements:

"I Can type proficiently, as this is a school and life skill."

"I can write SMART goals for my life and career."

Week 7-8


Students will choose a college and a career for the college and career spotlight board. They will research selected college for requirements, tuition rates, student population, most common majors and distance from home. They will create a presentation that will be displayed throughout the course of the semester. 


PCC-2.1 Determine roles, functions, education, and training requirements of various career options within one or more career clusters and pathways.

PCC-2.3 Evaluate selected careers and pathways for education requirements, working conditions, benefits, and opportunities for growth and change.

PCC-3.0 Students will analyze college and other postsecondary options to know what educational opportunities are available after high school. 

PCC-3.4 Demonstrate knowledge of the cost of postsecondary educational options and various financial aid options. 

"I Can..."

I can evaluate career options throughout the career clusters and pathways. 

I can research colleges to determine various educational opportunities available after high school.

I can research the cost of colleges and financial aid options. 

Week 9


The students will create a vision board with images and words that they want to visualize manifesting in their future.


PCC-1.3 Determine personal priorities and goals for life and career.

PCC-4.3 Apply a decision-making process to identify short- and long-term life and career goals.

"I Can..."

I can make a visual presentation of my future goals for life and career.


Student Objectives: "I Can"