Second 9 weeks

7th Grade 

All plans are subject to change (Get official statement from Kate TaylThis curriculum map is a constantly monitored and edited document by building specific administration and teachers. Changes may occur throughout the school year to stay updated with state requirements. Any questions regarding content should be directed towards the teacher of your child’s class or content area.


Week 1


We will discuss the bell work procedures for the remainder of the semester, including; Monday Fun Day, CNN 10, Podcasts, Famous Failure, and Financial Fitness. 


Monday Fun Day: ECC-5.1 Demonstrate habits of mind (for example, taking responsible risks, thinking and communicating with clarity and precision, questioning and posing problems, thinking independently, applying past knowledge to new situations, remaining open to continuous learning).

CNN 10: ECC-2.3 Identify workplace and labor market trends (such as economic, global, technology, and social).

Podcasts: ECC 3.1 Demonstrate components of critical and creative thinking.

Famous Failure: ECC-5.3 Demonstrate appreciation of diversity in school, life and career settings (people who are different from one another, diverse personal beliefs and attitudes, changing roles of males and females, nontraditional occupations, stereotypes, biases, and cultural, intellectual, and environmental barriers).

Financial Fitness: ECC-4.2 Explain the impact of selected careers on lifestyle goals.

I Can Statements:

"I Can demonstrate positive habits of mind through practice."

"I can identify workplace and labor market trends using the latest information available."

"I can demonstrate listening skills which is a critical component of critical thinking."

"I can demonstrate appreciation of diversity in all areas of life and celebrate failures as part of the growth process."

"I can understand the impact of my financial choices on my future."

Week 2-5


Students will choose a career cluster to explore based on their preferences. They will create a presentation for their chosen career cluster and present to the class.


ECC-2.0 Students will use Career Clusters and Indiana's College and Career Pathways to explore careers. 

ECC-2.4 Describe the types of careers in each of the 16 Career Clusters.

ECC-3.2 Apply decision-making processes.

ECC-6.2 Demonstrate school, life and career self-management skills related to responsibility and work ethic (for example, attendance, punctuality, completion of work on time, dependability, focus, initiative, perseverance, striving to do one's best).

I Can Statements

"I can describe and use the 16 Career Clusters to help me make decisions about my future."

"I can be responsible and complete my project on time, to the best of my ability."

Week 6


Students will complete an "adulting" activity that allows them to choose a lifestyle and practice maintaining it. They will be required to pay bills based on their lifestyle choices and see if they are able to afford the lifestyle they chose with the career choices they made. 


ECC-3.0 Students will apply critical and creative thinking to make decisions and solve problems.

ECC-3.3 Identify choices, options and consequences of life and career decisions.

"I Can..."

I can use critical thinking to choose options for my future and understand the consequences of such decisions. 

Week 7-9


Students will create a website portfolio. This will include their strengths, achievements, goals, hobbies and future plans. Once they have completed their portfolio, they will present this information to the class. 


ECC-1.0 Students will analyze personal characteristics to create a personal profile.

ECC-5.4 Demonstrate personal leadership skills to lead and inspire others, accomplish common goals, and function effectively in school, life and career settings. 

ECC-6.1 Create the basic components of a personal portfolio.

"I Can..."

I can create a personal portfolio that identifies my goals in school, life and career settings.


Student Objectives: "I can"