WEEK OF 3/19/2023: 

Welcome to NHIatAustin!

By Ren Leija

Hello everyone!

All of us here at the Austin chapter of the National Hispanic Institute want to extend our warmest welcome to our newest members of our NHI family. We are very excited to work with everyone this competition season!

Becoming a member of the National Hispanic Institute is an incredible accomplishment. Not only are you a member of an astute, hard-working, dedicated team with incredible volunteers, but you are now part of a 40+ year-long legacy. And of course, our ever-growing NHI family. 

Important Announcements

Want to donate snacks to our team? Please fill out the snack sign-up sheet to donate.

In need business clothes or want to get some off your hands? Donate or request items using the NHI@Austin Professional Clothes Donation/Request Google Form or reach out to Natalia Chapa Mills, our Co-Project Administrator.

Upcoming Events

Weekly Wonderings

Want to know what we did during our debate training? Every week, this section will cover the activities we did.

This week, we did icebreakers and a newscast activity. Students were separated into groups of four and created a 5-6 minute presentation of a news story of their, either local, worldwide, or personal news under a made-up news station called "NHI @ the A." After each group went once, students were able to reflect on their presentation, and have a second opportunity to include items that were not in the first.

Fundamental of the Week

NHI has 25 core fundamentals that are core to our success. These fundamentals define how we relate to ourselves, each other, and our community.

This week’s fundamental is…

#1: Act With Integrity

Do the right thing no matter the circumstance in every action and decision you make, especially when no one’s looking. 

Student Spotlights

Belén Vásquez

Congratulations to Belen Vasquez from Jack C. Hays High School! She joined NHI to gain new experiences and skills, as well as form new friendships and develop leadership qualities! Back home in Buda, Belen owns two cats.

Vicente Hernandez

Congratulations to Vicente Hernandez from Ann Richards! He joined NHI because his friends helped him see that the programs could help him in many ways academically and in overall life. He hopes to strengthen his communication skills and to be confident in his causes. One day, Vicente hopes to get a doctorate degree in paleontology!


Joke of the Week

What do you call a sad strawberry? 

A blueberry!

--From College Staff, Ren Leija