Distance Learning 2.0


Despite our hopes and all of our planning work over the last several months to start the school year with in-person instruction, the North Franklin School District will open school for the fall of 2020 in the distance learning model based on the guidelines set for Washington schools by the governor and the state superintendent.

Our updated distance learning plan will include many improvements such as:

- Specific times scheduled for each period/subject

- In-person instruction provided for small groups of students

- Instruction in a variety of formats including live video, recorded video, and packets

- Mandatory attendance and participation of all students

- Daily scheduled office hours for staff to provide consistent contact and staff on-site working from buildings

Principals will be communicating their building specific plans and schedules in the coming week in order to provide families time to prepare before the first day of school on August 31st. The first week of school will be individual and small group conferences/orientation to ensure students have the appropriate devices, internet access, usernames and passwords, course expectations, teacher expectations, and the opportunity to meet their teachers face to face prior to beginning remote learning. Additionally, while your student is meeting with our staff, we will take the time to explain the expectations and protocols for when we return to in-person instruction as the COVID-19 situation improves. Someone from the school will be reaching out to your family to schedule your student’s participation in this orientation.