Up Coming Events

R U OK? Week

Support 65 are proud to introduce R U OK? Week, which runs from the 20th to the 25th of November. R U OK? is learner led and tackles the pressure that children face in today’s society.

Caring for our mental wellbeing will tackle a different emotion each day.

Monday: SAD - featuring elements of “Inside Out”, a Pixar film centred around a family’s life changing move to San Francisco.

Tuesday: FEAR - a leaflet on ways to deal with stress will be handed out, along with free hugs. Our Support 65 team will be ready to chat to anyone who needs an ear.

Wednesday: ANGER - Take out all your frustrations on pinatas and communal art bursting balloons filled with paint. Dealing with our anger in a positive way!

Thursday: LOVE - We all need love and positivity in our lives so write it down and hang it on one of our trees.

Friday: JOY - We are creating the biggest Nexus hug imaginable: learners, classroom assistants, teachers, admin and support staff will encircle the school in a giant NEXUS hug! And they will enjoy their lunch to live music (all of it happy and joyous) by learners near the cafeteria.

Nursery and Kindergarten Stay and Play

Our youngest learners are going to have another Stay and Play Session on Monday, 20 November 8.15am-9.15am. Parents, do come along and join the fun.