Recent Events

Year 4 Market Day

If you made it to Market Day we hope you managed to sneak a bargain among the array of wonderful products and services on offer from the Year 4 learners. From bracelets, bags and pencil cases all made from recycled materials to so many different and clever ways to create stress balls, through to a diverse range of obstacle courses, the market day had it all this year!

When we reflect upon the skills learned and knowledge harnessed during the last six weeks, the children are now much more aware of the power of budgeting - as money has become visible and meaningful. Also, they know how to effectively conduct a mini-research project which included exploring the 5Ps of marketing (Product, Place, People, Promotion, Price) to explore consumer sentiment around their product or service.

We thank you for attending and if you missed your chance to drop by, do keep an eye on our social media platforms for pictures, videos and maybe even some interviews with the learners and others involved in the event. If you're having Market Day withdrawals, it'll be back in 2020 at our new campus!

Year 3 Learner-Led Inquiry Science Workshops

Our Year 3 learners held their Learner-led workshops this week, leading their parents and visitors through their chosen Inquiry that explored the Central Idea 'Forces change the natural environment.' Our learners shared their geological and scientific understanding through a experiments and working models that demonstrated the earth processes and resultant landforms. Well done Year 3! You showed great communication skills, enthusiasm, research skills and determination! Thank you to all Year 3 parents for the support you gave the learners.

Nursery Nightwalk at Bukit Batok Nature Park

In Nursery, our learners have been exploring more about seasons in our Unit of Inquiry on The Earth's Natural Cycles. We engaged in interesting investigations about how day and night happens and our learners were very keen on learning more about nocturnal animals, which lead us to organise a night walk to Bukit Batok Nature Park with our Nursery families. It was a wonderful opportunity for our learners to witness the evening skies turn dark and have a quick picnic at the quarry area. The highlight of the trip was spotting some awesome flying lemurs as we made our way out, which surely brought about much excitement amongst all of us!


Andy Barrow visits Year 6 as part of their PYP Expedition

Our Year 6 learners were very fortunate to have a visit from Andy Barrow last week. Andy is a triple Paralympian and former captain of the Great Britain Wheelchair Rugby team. He told his story of a life changing injury that occured on the Rugby field when he was just 17. However, it was his attitude towards the things he could control (following the incident) that many learners found inspiration in. I’ve even heard some of the learners quoting him this week. "Attitude is like a T-shirt, you can change it anytime". This was great food for thought for our learners currently in the midst of their PYP Expedition with the central idea that ‘Individuals grow by challenging their personal limits’. Andy provided some great examples for how reflection helps us to become our best self.

Green Guardians visit ACRES

On Friday, 10 May the Green Guardians, had the opportunity to visit the ACRES Wildlife Rescue Centre.

ACRES is Singapore’s first wildlife protection agency that is dedicated to research and educating the public about animal safety. During our trip, group members learned about wildlife rescue and rehabilitation, and how to create a cruelty-free living environment for animals.

Thank you, Green Guardians, for all your hard work this year. You have done an impressive job at educating the Nexus community about the Global Goals for sustainable development. Additionally, we hope your trip to ACRES has provided you with an increased understanding for how we can address animal protection concerns and improve animal welfare.

Year 5 visits GEMS PYP Exhibition

On Thursday Year 5 learners attended the GEMS World Academy Year 6 PYP Exhibition. This was an opportunity for our learners to use their communication skills to listen to presentations and ask probing questions. As an audience we were encouraged to participate in interactive activities that allowed us to empathise with how others might feel. Learners felt very squashed and uncomfortable trying to fit in a small cardboard cage, as some animals do. A visual representation of the ocean covered in plastic and rubbish highlighted the impact of ocean pollution on marine life. This exhibition allowed learners to make clear connections to the PYP and the UN Global Goals, as well as inspire them for future exhibitions of their own.