Primary News

2 March 2018

From the Head of Primary

Since our return from the Lunar New Year Break we have been extremely busy in the Primary School. Do take a look at 'Recent Events' for some great photos of the Year 5 residential trip to Loola, Bintan, Indonesia. This trip is one of the highlights of the Primary School. The experience includes a blend of outward bound activities, such as boom-netting and abseiling as well as community service in the local villages.

Meanwhile, back in Singapore...

Our Nusery learners held their Mini-Exhibition and were delighted to show their parents the new additions to our Nursery - 7 chicks, including Nexus the Chick (not to be confused with Nexus the Whale Shark of the same name). Our Kindergarten learners went on a trip to Bollywood Veggies, the highlight of which was paddy planting. Today, Year 4 learners held their 'Dragon's Den!' - inviting their parents to listen to their business pitches. See 'Recent Events' for more about all of these events. In addition, see our 'Arts' section for details of the world-renowned International Schools' Theatre Association Lower Primary Festival which Nexus hosted recently - inviting learners from across Singapore to a weekend full of action-packed drama activities.

And of course we all took part in our fantastic sports days. Thank you to the many parents and guardians that came along to support the three Primary School events. The children had a wonderful time and really rose to the occasion. See both the 'Recent Events' and 'Sports & CCA News' for many great photos.

See 'Upcoming Events' for details of whole school activities taking place in the last two weeks of this term: Diversity Week and Book Week. These weeks include two dress up days: a Diversity Day for wearing fashion that shares your uniqueness and a Book Character dress up day. We also encourage our families to join us for the Nexus Nations Assembly on Thursday, 8 March.

A reminder to take a look at 'Important Announcements' for details of how to sign up for Season 3 CCAs and, if your child is Australian how to sign up for the Primary-level NAPLAN assessments.

Finally, may I also take this opportunity to remind all parents and carers that scooters MUST NOT be used on campus. Once you reach campus, please remind your children to walk with their scooters. Quite serious accidents can happen if children travel through the campus on their scooters.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Paul Beach,

Head of Primary.

Dates for your Diary

A few key dates for the Primary School in March and April:

Monday, 5 March - Diversity Week Celebrations start

Monday, 5 March - ACSIS Season 3 starts

Tuesday, 6 March - NPG Parents' Workshop: Moving On

Thursday , 8 March - Diversity Day Dress Up to Celebrate Your Uniqueness

Monday, 12 March - Book Week starts

Monday, 12 March - Season 3 CCAs start

Friday, 16 March - Book Week Character Dress Up Day

Friday, 16 March - End of Term 3 (school closes at the usual time)

Monday, 2 April - Term 4 starts

Tuesday, 3 to 7 April - Whole School Class and ECA Photos

Monday, 9 April - Earth Challenge Week!

Friday, 13 April - Earth Day Dress Up

Tuesday, 17 and Wednesday 18 April - Interhouse Swim Galas

Friday, 20 to Sunday 22 April - ISTA Upper Primary School Festival

Wednesday, 25 April - Bug Busting Day