
Week of 9/27/21

Ask your child about...

-the letters B and F, the sounds they make, and some words that begin with those letters

-the song "It is Autumn" and some ways we know it's fall

-the activities we did this week based on the book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

-what "Taking a Break" looks like in our classroom

-celebrating Livi's birthday

Week of 9/20/21;

Ask your child about...

-the chant we learned from Mrs. Poirier about how to use scissors

-Echo the Owl and the sound letter T makes

-celebrating Clarissa's birthday

-the book Leo the Late Bloomer and something they hope to learn in Kindergarten this year

-can they listen with their eyes? hands? heart? What is Whole Body Listening?

-Math Centers and exploring math materials

-brainstorming class rules and matching them with our school rules. What are our newly created KA Rules?

Week of 9/13/21:

Ask your child about...

-their favorite special this week (PE, Art, Music) and why

-what personal space is and the book Personal Space Camp

-counting and comparing the letters in our names

-using our new materials, scissors and glue, to create a page for our first class book- KA's Book of Names

-opening the board games Candy Land and Count Your Chickens

-opening the Dramatic Play area

Week of 9/9/21:

Ask your child about...

-following the Gingerbread Man around our school! We later created our own paper gingerbread people.

-the songs Upsy Down and 5 Little Fishies

-Guided Discoveries and learning how to use crayons and colored pencils

-creating self portraits

-making new friends

-drawing about our summers