Birthday Celebrations

Birthdays are a special day for all children. We will celebrate each kindergartener's birthday during the school year. If by chance we are not in school the day of your child’s birthday, we will celebrate it on the next possible day. We will have summer birthday celebrations at the end of the year.

There is a city-wide policy that we can no longer use food to help celebrate birthdays. Please do not send in a special treat for your child’s birthday, as we will not be able to eat it. Thank you for your understanding.

Instead, I would like to invite your child to bring in a favorite or special book on the day of their birthday celebration for a special read aloud. If you would like to donate a copy of the book to the classroom, we will have a special birthday book basket that the children can look through during the school year.

Here is how birthday celebrations in KA run:

A few days before the birthday celebration, the class will begin to brainstorm the kinds of things your child likes and we will begin creating a birthday banner for them. The birthday celebration will include reading of one of your child's favorite books, presenting the birthday person with a birthday banner, singing happy birthday, and finally each classmate giving your child a kind birthday message. We'll be sure to take a picture for our class website. :)

I hope this will be a special way for each child to celebrate their birthday with their friends.