
Week of 3/28/2022

Ask your child about...

-celebrating Daniel's birthday

-the digraph "sh" and the sound it makes. Can they think of some words with "sh" in it?

-writing about their favorite Mo Willems book. Why is that book their favorite?

-adding labels and a "things you need" page to their How To books

-beginning sounds bingo

-new addition math games such as Double Compare and Toss the Chips

-can they think of a "take away" (subtraction) number story?

Week of 3/21/2022

Ask your child about...

-the digraph "ch" and the sound that it makes. Can they think of some words with "ch" in it?

-celebrating Mylan's birthday

-continuing our Mo Willems author study and reading the Knuffle Bunny series this week. Which Knuffle Bunny book was their favorite and why?

-beginning some addition with games like Roll and Record 2 and drawing number stories. Can they make up a number story? Challenge: can they try writing a number sentence to go with their number story?

-teaching Mrs. Albert how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich during Writer's Workshop. What did they learn about writing for their readers?

-creating an illustrated scene on top of a black and white photograph (inspired by Mo Willems's Knuffle Bunny art)

Week of 3/14/2022

Ask your child about...

-what is a digraph? What sound does the digraph "th" make?

-continuing our Mo Willems author study and reading many Elephant and Piggie books! Which one has been their favorite so far and why?

-celebrating David's birthday

-the new math game called Build On. What math skill does it have players practice?

-the new JiJi bulletin board and its math challenges

-writing about one reason they are lucky (inspired by the book Lucky Tucker by Leslie McGuirk)

-going on a leprechaun hunt and finding a pot of gold coins!

-10 extra minutes of recess thanks to the whole school's Fun Run participation and voting for an additional 5 minutes of recess for earning 20 stars!

-making Elephant and Piggie crafts. What did they write in their character's speech bubble?

Week of 3/7/2022

Ask your child about...

-our new author study: Mo Willems! This week we read all of Mo Willems' "pigeon" books. Which was your child's favorite and why?

-our new writing unit: How To books! What is your child teaching their reader how to do through their writing? Can you brainstorm with your child some other things they could teach their reader?

-book shopping during Reader's Workshop

-ways to challenge their brain and the power of "yet"

-voting on a new Dramatic Play area theme: Salon!