
Week of 5/31/2022

Ask your child about...

-this week's Mystery Readers

-starting to write their Kindergarten Memory Book

-persuasive writing and a poster or a letter they wrote this week

-our "block area challenge"

-what's new at our Discovery Table

-one way they "bloomed" this year in Kindergarten

Week of 5/23/2022

Ask your child about...

-this week's Mystery Readers

-observing and setting free our adult spotted lady beetles! Ask them to share something they learned about ladybugs. What did they include in their book of ladybug information?

-our Ladybug poem

-building 3-D shapes using mini marshmallows and toothpicks

-our new Dramatic Play area: Vet's Office

-Gus the Plus and Linus the Minus

-celebrating Aylin's summer birthday

-some differences between dry sand and wet sand at our Sand Table

Week of 5/16/2022

Ask your child about...

-our sight word pop it activity

-this week's Mystery Readers

-observing a ladybug pupa. What did they notice?

-the parts of a ladybug. Is there a song they know that helps them remember the parts of an insect (hint: it's to the tune of Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes)?

-beginning to publish a How To book

-making 3-D shapes out of play doh

-celebrating Eli's summer birthday

Week of 5/9/2022

Ask your child about...

-ladybugs! We discovered that the larvae in our tank are ladybug larvae! What has your child observed about the larvae this week? Have your child teach you about the ladybug life cycle.

-this week's Mystery Reader

-opening our new sand table! What's something your child learned about sand?

-3-dimensional shapes. What are some of the 3-D shapes we learned about this week? Can they recognize some 3-D shapes around your home? Here's a fun 3-D shapes song we play!

-celebrating Will's summer birthday

Week of 5/2/2022

Ask your child about...

-Aiden's birthday celebration

-this week's Mystery Readers

-adding introduction and "final words" pages to our How To books. What sorts of things did they tell their readers on these pages?

-a new version of the math game Roll and Record. Why was the game board so big? How do you play?

-observing the larvae! What did they notice? What is special about beetles and weevils (hint: what is special about their wings)? What do they think these larvae are?

-our new song about bugs

-our class cooperation challenge in which teams were asked to build the tallest, marshmallow-topped structure using only 20 pieces of dry spaghetti, string, and tape. What were some challenges? What were some things that went well?