Registered Student Organization (RSO) Policies and Procedures:
Starting this academic year, the whole of the Registered Student Organization policies, procedures, and processes are centralized on the New School GURU platform. Please take a moment to review the four below links.
Academic Year Calendar: Deadlines and Dates
Fall 2024:
Friday, June 21st - Narwhal Nation: Large Room Reservations Open for Fall 2024
Monday, July 15th - Narwhal Nation: Registration and Re-registration Opens
Saturday, Aug. 17th - Canvas: Student Officer Training Modules Open; Calendly: Advisor Training Modules Open.
Monday, Sept. 2nd - Narwhal Nation: Fall Semester Large Room Request Deadline
Fridays, Sept. 6th through Oct. 4th.......Events: Narwhal Discovers - FAIR FRIDAYS (10am - 3pm Tabling Opportunities Every Friday)
Tuesday, Sept. 10th- Narwhal Nation: Small Room Reservation Requests Open for Fall 2024
Monday, Oct. 7th - Narwhal Nation: Hard Deadline Fall Registration and Re-Registration Deadline
October 17th - Narwhal Nation: Large Room Reservations Open for Spring 2025 (Typically happens mid-october)
Friday, Dec. 6th - Budget: Fall Purchasing Request Deadline; Narwhal Nation: Spring Large Room Reservation Deadline
Sunday, Dec. 15th -Budget: Fall Budget Reconciliation Deadline (Reimbursements)
Spring 2025:
Thursday, Jan. 2nd - Narwhal Nation: Registration and Re-registration Opens for Spring 2025
Friday, Jan. 17th - Events: Narwhal Discovers: Fair Friday - Spring Involvement Fair (10am - 3:00pm; UC 103 Event Cafe and Starr Foundation)
Monday, Feb. 3rd - Narwhal Nation: Hard Deadline Registration and Re-Registration
Tuesday, Feb. 4th - Narwhal Nation: Small Room Reservations Begin for Spring 2025
Thursday, April 24th - Event: Annual Narwhal Student Leadership Awards (5pm - 8pm; B500 Wollman Hall)
Friday, May 2nd - Budget: Spring Purchasing Request (New Purchases) Deadline; Tentative - Early Bird Re-Registration
Sunday, May 18th - Budget: Spring Budget Reconciliation Deadline (Reimbursements).
Timeframes: Necessary Timeframes for Deliverables and Requests
Anytime, Automatic
Student Hub Room Requests (Organizations utilizing Student Hub rooms need to still publish and promote their events on Narwhal Nation, See events policy)
72 Hours Prior (3 Days)
Registered Student Organization Posting Policy Approval
1 Week Prior (7 days)
Purchasing done through EZCater, N Card Refill Request.
2 Weeks Prior (14 Days)
Event Requests & Equipment Reservation
4 Weeks Prior (28 Days)
Purchasing Done through MyNewSource, Invoice, For Honorariums/Guest Lecturers/Speakers or Manually
All contracts/licenses (Movie, Theatre)/rental agreements must be submitted to our office.
90 Days Prior (Approx. 3 Months)
Requests and forms for Off-Campus Travel that is International or Long Distance (500 miles or more)
Any License to put on a musical/theater production must be secured one semester prior to the production