Her Wrinkles Hold the Stars

Poem - by Marisca Pichette

Her wrinkles hold the stars

When she smiles

it rains. Not soft

pitter patter misting under

the mountains 

fog clinging to the edges of morning

dew descending at twilight—


When she smiles her lips incise the sky

in lightning

Her laugh throbs thunder

between clouds, deep ravines

soaking dandelion seeds


She carries storms in her throat

inhaled over the atlantic,

exhales rivers and monsoons

feeding ferns and washing footprints

into smoothness.

Her voice runs into the corners

of the world.

When she blinks, clouds break.

Her hair pours sunshine

freckles dappling beaches,

sparkling eyelash waves.

She cups magma in her hands

and blows gently,

watching us cool.


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