Eli & Bolt Survive 

Flash Fiction - by AI Writer (Chat GPT 3 / Image by Midjourney - Jan. 2023)


“Provide 10 fresh ideas for a 750-word flash fiction story about a one-legged boy and his pet cyborg hamster.”

Prompt Result:



“Write a 750-word flash fiction story about a one-legged boy and his pet cyborg hamster who must navigate a post-apocalyptic world where technology has failed and the few remaining survivors are hostile towards cyborgs.”

Prompt Result:

In a world long gone, where the ruins of cities now served as the tombstones of humanity, a one-legged boy and his cyborg hamster roamed the barren wasteland in search of a new home. The boy's name was Eli, and his hamster's name was Bolt, a small machine with a heart of gold.

Eli was born with a birth defect that left him with only one leg, and his parents, who had perished during the great disaster, had left him with nothing but Bolt. Bolt had been their last gift to their son, a companion to keep him company during the long days and nights of wandering through the desolate wilderness.

The world had been ravaged by a catastrophic event, one that had rendered all forms of technology useless. The few survivors that remained had turned to a more primal way of life, one where brute strength and cunning were the only tools necessary for survival. And for those who had been augmented by technology, the hostility of the remaining humans had grown.

Eli and Bolt had learned to keep their distance from the other survivors, their cyborg nature often drawing unwanted attention. But one day, they stumbled upon a small group of people who seemed different from the others. 

They were a ragtag group of scavengers, led by a grizzled old man named Jack, who had a kind heart and a soft spot for those who were different.

Jack welcomed Eli and Bolt with open arms, seeing the value of the cyborg hamster's mechanical skills in a world where machines no longer functioned. And he saw the potential in 

Eli, who despite his disability, was intelligent and resourceful.

As time passed, Eli and Bolt became integral members of the group, using their skills and technology to help the community thrive. But not everyone was pleased with their presence. There were some in the group who saw the cyborgs as abominations, and they began to spread rumors that Eli and Bolt were a danger to the community.

One night, when Eli was sleeping in his tent, a group of men attacked him and Bolt, intent on driving them out of the community. Eli was severely injured, and Bolt was destroyed in the attack. 

Eli was heartbroken, but he refused to let the loss of his companion defeat him.

He dedicated himself to rebuilding Bolt, using scavenged parts and his own ingenuity to create a new, even better cyborg hamster. He worked tirelessly, pouring all of his love and grief into the creation of a new companion, one that would be even more loyal and protective than the original.

And when he finally completed his work, he emerged from his tent with a new sense of purpose. The survivors who had once shunned him and Bolt now looked at him with newfound respect and admiration, realizing the value of the technology that Eli had brought to their community.

In the end, Eli and his new companion became legends, revered by the survivors as symbols of hope in a world that had been all but destroyed. They roamed the wasteland, helping those in need and spreading the message that even in a world where technology had failed, humanity could still thrive.

As he looked out at the vast expanse of barren wilderness, Eli knew that there was still much work to be done. But he also knew that with Bolt by his side, he could overcome any obstacle and build a better future for himself and for all of humanity.

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