Our Process

Why Family Engagement Matters 

Research from around the country demonstrates the importance of family engagement and how that relates to student success. The connection between family, school, and community has been proven to have positive outcomes in school readiness, language acquisition, literacy, mathematics, social emotional learning, as well as increased retention and graduation. Family engagement isn't just about providing services to families, it is about co creating student experiences with families to ensure more positive culture, climate, health safety and well being. 

Our model is guided by the NBPS Strategic Plan and the Core Competencies provided by the National Association for Family, School, and Community Engagement 

Strategic Plan- Goal 3

Family Engagement Core Competencies 

The national association for family school and community engagement has identified eight competencies to guide meaningful and authentic family and community engagement. 


Within our Family Engagement Centers we- 


Within our family engagement centers we- 


Lead Alongside Families 

Massachusetts Strengthening Partnerships Framework

Guiding Principal #1- Each Family is Unique and Each Family Represent Diverse Structures 

Supporting Child and Youth Development, Learning, Health, and Wellbeing Goal- Develop multi prong systems of information exchange among families, schools, and community organizations to enhance child and youth development, learning, health, and wellbeing 

Supporting Child and Youth Development, Learning, Health, and Wellbeing Goal- Identify collaborative development & learning opportunities among families, schools, and community organizations 

Guiding Principal #2- Recognizing the Strengths that Come from Engaging Families of all Backgrounds 

Supporting Child and Youth Development, Learning, Health, and Wellbeing Goal- Engage families through peer to peer interactions 

Building Positive Relationship Goal- Build reciprocal and balanced communication with families 

Promoting Pathways for Partnerships with Families Goal- Support families civic engagement first 

Promoting Pathways for Partnerships with Families Goal- Provide opportunities for Family mentorship & voice 

Guiding Principal #3- Relationships must be Respectful, Trusting, 

and Reciprocal 

Building Positive Relationship Goal - Intentionally build and sustain relationships with all families

Building Positive Relationship Goal - Collaborate with families to create/ promote connection among families 

Guiding Principal #4- Families are their Child's First 

and Best Advocate 

Promoting Pathways for Partnerships with Families Goal- Partner with families in identifying & planning engagement activities 

Promoting Pathways for Partnerships with Families Goal- Use family driven approaches to create varied opportunities for engagement 

Promoting Pathways for Partnerships with Families Goal- Provide opportunities for family contributions to the engagement process 

Guiding Principal #5- Family Engagement must be Equitable! 

Promoting Family Wellbeing Goal- Employ multiple strategies to connect families with resources to enhance family wellbeing 

Promoting Family Wellbeing Goal- Engage community members/ agencies/ organizations in ways meaningful to families 

Promoting Family Wellbeing Goal- Identify and address barriers families experience in accessing community organizations & services 

Promoting Pathways for Partnerships with Families Goal- Share power & decision making 

How It Works!

Tier 1

Engage parents/families in a way that builds trust, relationships and accessibility. These activities/events are universal for all students, parents, and families

Tier 2

Build family and community capacity through targeted approaches that create access to educational opportunities for families, educators, and community partners that will positively impact student success 

Tier 3

Through a process of informed consent, our staff establish goals with the family and determines roles, responsibilities and duration of service throughout the case management process. 

Tier 1 Supports

Tier 2 Supports

Tier 3 Supports

Our Referral Process

Step One

Submit a Referral-  These forms are available to self refer if you are in need of supports as well as for NBPS staff who wish to refer a family in need of resources or information.  

Examples of needs we service: housing or food insecurity, counseling referrals, immigration supports, parent educational needs (connections within your child's school, school programming, groups & clubs, and more!)

Step Two

Assigning the Case- Once we receive a referral, the cases are triaged to our staff based on a number of factors. This can include school location, supports needed, and level of assessment. There will be a "tree" icon assigned to the student in our internal database.

Step Three

Case Management- A Family Engagement Specialist or Wraparound Coordinator who is assigned the case will reach out to the family within 72 hours. They will utilize informed consent to begin assessing the goals ands strengths of the family to determine which referrals to community partners or internal staff would  best support the family in attaining those goals. All interactions are documented in the school districts internal database. 

Step Four

Case Closure- Based on the agreement between the Family Engagement/Wraparound staff that was determined in the initial meeting and conformed consent, the case will be closed once all goals are reached, or if it determined that services are no longer appropriate or necessary. All Family Engagement/ Wraparound Services are voluntary. The case closure will be noted in the school districts internal database and the tree icon will be removed. 

We look forward to collaborating with you!

We are here to support the schools, families, and students of New Bedford! 

Family Engagement = Student Success